Scripting News: Monday, July 31, 2023
Monday, July 31, 2023 FeedLand changes: Welcome back my friends . 🚀 # Something important about voting. Don't think of your vote as expressing yourself. It's not like First Amendment speech. Your vote is you governing us. We're like a fourth branch of government. We don't get to say who runs everything, just our part of everything. One vote is a small thing, but they add up to a decision. So when you vote for a third-party candidate, or you don't like any of the candidates and don't vote at all, you are expressing yourself, but you are not governing. You don't like Hillary Clinton, so you stay home. You are not motivated. Then a few years later you're holed-up in your appartment, quarantined, because the government couldn't get its shit together to stop transmission of Covid. Or you're stuck with paying back your student loan because the court is 6-3 instead of 5-4. Because you and a lot of other people didn't "like...