
目前显示的是 二月 25, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday, February 25, 2024 Went out to eat, nice pizza place in Phoenicia . There was a guy wearing a brand new Trump hat. I've never seen that in a public place. Otherwise he looked perfectly normal. I wondered what kind of weirdo has that kind of hate in his heart. Is he listening to what Trump is saying these days? I didn't want to ask him. These are our Nazis. They've hated us their whole lives. Until now, I never knew they existed. And now they get to parade around in public with these obscene hats on. When will the swastikas start appearing on the hats. I wonder if this is the first of many. Like the Germans partying at Rick's place in Casablanca . One more thing. Have you heard about the Civil War movie coming out later this year. Watch the trailer . Maybe wait till morning, because you might have trouble sleeping. # BTW, apparently my post yesterday where I said I was "doing some of my best writing in ChatGPT" was confusing. I meant


OneNews 五集政论片《解码京津冀》第三集《"两翼"新格局》 Feb 26, 2024 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2024/2/26/a81e3f4d-53ca-4759-a3d4-eee7a2883284.xml",autoplay:0,width:640,height:360}); 在京津冀的大格局上,北京城市副中心和河北雄安新区构成了北京新的"两翼",两座"千年之城"在新时代相遇。 北京向南100多公里,雄安,这座承载着千年大计、国家大事的"未来之城"轮廓渐明。 城市功能不断完善,城市雏形全面显现,承接北京非首都功能疏解工作有序进行,重点片区和重大项目建设稳步推进。 在雄安新区建设过程中,绿色、环保理念贯穿始终,生态根基是雄安永续发展最坚实的"底座"。从物联网到人工智能,从智慧建造到孪生城市,数字技术正让雄安变得越来越"聪明"。 创新政策和优质服务,让雄安成为年轻人放下行囊、成就梦想的地方,也为疏解单位人员扎根雄安、安居乐业提供有力支撑。 如今,雄安新区进入大规模建设与承接北京非首都功能疏解并重阶段,工作重心已转向高质量建设、高水平管理、高质量疏解发展并举。 "一张白纸"着墨,从无到有,从蓝图到实景。雄安,这座拔地而起的"千年之城"正朝着"妙不可言、心向往之"的"未来之城"稳步前行。 天安门向东20余公里,北京城市副中心,一批重大基础设施和生态环境综合治理项目逐步建成,以副辅主、主副共兴,"千年之城"的城市框架有序拉开。 东六环入地改造,"缝合"城市空间、串联多个功能区,为副中心增加绿化面积。 通过以数字政务赋能区域协同,将副中心政务服务"云窗"系统延伸到天津、河北等相关地区,打破信息壁垒和区域限制,推动副中心与雄安、北三县等地区协同发展。 织密绿意,城市生根。提升公共生活水平,是让"两翼"留得住人的重要抓手。2019年以来,北京市级机关分两批、约3万人迁至城市副中


OneNews 【瓣瓣同心】习言道|十年协同发展,京津冀答卷亮眼 Feb 26, 2024 · 1 min read Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode