Scripting News: Sunday, July 30, 2023
Sunday, July 30, 2023 Today's margin images thanks to DALL-E . # An interesting idea , what if other companies changed their names to something as unbelievable as Twitter becoming X. I have a few things to say about that. First, I don't think that Twitter has changed its name, at least not yet. Reorienting all those memory cells in all those human brains isn't a matter of changing the logo on a home page or putting a big X on the roof of a San Francisco building. 17 years of repeated drill has burned the Twitter brand into our minds. Second, I don't think HBO changed its name to Max, in fact I think the new owners of HBO (and many other names) are preserving the value of the HBO name by taking it off the the streaming site, which is a hodgepodge of random content, some good, some not. HBO is a small part of that. Instead, they withdrew HBO from the set of popular streaming services, which are due for years of battle for dominance. Why drag the HBO name...