Scripting News: Saturday, March 16, 2024
Saturday, March 16, 2024 An upgrade idea for the web. I'd like to have a bit of JavaScript code ask to be notified when the user clicks on a link on my page that gets them a 404. I'd like a chance to do some looking around and seeing if I can find the thing they wanted. This comes up when you look at the archive of this blog for March 1999 . Back then my server was a Macintosh which had a case-insensitive operating system. A few years later I moved all the stuff to Amazon S3, much less hassle, and probably cheaper too. But over there the filesystem is case-sensitive. I must've been typing in URLs by hand and not caring about case, because why should I, my server didn't care. Except now it does care and when I click links to pages I know are there , but can't be found, I get depressed. I wanted to read the damn thing, that's why I clicked on it. Not to see some cute 404 page (although it is pretty nice). Even better would be a way to tell Amazon ...