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Scripting News: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 Just heard from friends at Automattic that the Berkman blogs have been archived permanently on their servers. It's great to have the legacy preserved. It was the first blog hosting at any university. All you needed was a harvard.edu email address. Lots of great things started there, including political blogging and podcasting. We hosted Thursday meetups, and had two blogging conferences. Trained hundreds of people. That's how you do a bootstrap. Thanks to Automattic for help in preserving a good part of the early history of blogging. I've learned when a project like this needs help, they're a good place to turn. 😄 # I wanted to see if my What Makes a Weblog a Weblog piece made it across, and it did. And even better, when I found a link to it on my blog from 5/30/2003 and clicked it, I held my breath, and it redirected correctly. This is one of those moments that gives you hope that the open web may still make it after al


OneNews 青山作伴水为邻(中国式现代化面对面11) Sep 26, 2023 · 1 min read 大自然是人类赖以生存发展的基本条件。从人类漫长的进化史看,人来自于自然,在认识、利用和改造自然的过程中不断演化,成为自然界中唯一能够创造文明的智慧生命。人是自然的一部分,总体上必须遵循自然规律,但人有主观能动性,顺应自然就能更好促进人类发展,违背自然就会遭到反噬和报复。进入现代化以后,人类凭借科技的力量大大提高了利用和改造自然的能力,创造了空前的文明成果,但一度无节制的开发和掠夺造成了严重的生态环境创伤,吞下了破坏自然的恶果。历史和现实表明,只有正确处理人与自然关系的现代化,才是人类文明可持续发展的现代化。 建设美丽中国,是中华民族功在当代、利在千秋的根本大计,是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重要目标。党的十八大以来,我们党以史无前例的力度加强生态环境保护,开展了一系列开创性工作,决心之大、力度之大、成效之大前所未有,生态文明建设从理论到实践都发生了历史性、转折性、全局性变化,美丽中国建设迈出重大步伐。面向未来,中国在继续推进现代化的征途上,不仅不会走"先污染后治理"的老路,更不会走"你污染我获利"的病态之路,而是走一条绿色发展的新路,同时致力于推动世界可持续发展,解决好工业文明带来的问题,为保护地球家园提供中国智慧、展现大国担当。 人与自然和谐共生 自然孕育了所有的生命和物种,为人类文明的产生和发展提供了基本条件,是生命之母、文明之基。人类善待自然就会获得自然的馈赠,促进文明的发展,反之就会受到自然的惩罚,甚至使文明成果毁于一旦。比如,在古巴比伦文明中,传说曾经创造过"空中花园"这样令人叹为观止的奇迹,成为古代文明中熠熠生辉的标识性建筑。但后来生态环境的破坏导致古巴比伦文明的衰落,"空中花园"也最终湮没在漫漫黄沙之中。人与自然是生命共同体,保护自然就是保护人类的生命源泉。 【相关链接】 空中花园 空中花园,又称悬苑,是古代世界七大奇迹之一。传说是公元前6世纪由新巴比伦王国的尼布甲尼撒二世在巴比伦城附近修建。据说空中花园采用立体造园手法,将花园放在4层平台之上,用沥青及砖块建成,平台由25米高的柱子支撑,并且有灌溉系统,园中种植各种花草树木,远看

Git commands I wish I knew earlier as a developer

Stephen's blog Git commands I wish I knew earlier as a developer Sep 26, 2023 · 29 min read What is Git? Git is an open-source tool that allows you to version control your code repositories and collaborate with other developers. This means you can save and track different versions of your repositories coordinate changes across different teams without impacting the work of other collaborators share local copies of the same codebases as other developers when working offline isolate new fixes and features in development without impacting production List of git commands Git commands can be used for Starting your project Managing branches Tracking and committing changes Synchronizing your project Reviewing and debugging changes Let's walk through some of these using the terminal. I will be using Git Bash for the code walkthroughs which you can install from here. Just a heads up: Not all the code examples used in this article follow a chronological order, so at