Scripting News: Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 Blogroll software update # We're starting to test the blogroll software with a few users, but we hit a problem before we began. The blogroll code includes the CSS for the Bootstrap Toolkit. I use it as if it were part of the OS, but not everyone does, and it changes the global values of things. So when you install it on a page that has its own ideas how things should work, you can get an unpleasant effect (to put it mildly). So I created a localized subset of Bootstrap's styles, to be a better guest in other people's pages. That is now done. I expect we'll see more of that kind of thing. Web plugins are a new area for me. I guess that's pretty obvious. # It's time for our own hero # The runner from the 1984 ad is perfect. This is what she looks like. # I can't stand to look at images of Trump or his followers. Fed up with it. I want our own heroes. # When I see a picture of Tr...