
目前显示的是 二月 10, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday, February 10, 2024 Steven Levy asked an interesting question on Bluesky or Threads, can't remember which. Would I feel differently if I knew a work of art that I found inspiring was created by an AI. At first I said no, because what matters in art is how it is received, not how it was created. What effect did it have on the viewer. That's the art. But then I remembered that when I found out that Wordle was edited by a human , that the words were chosen by a person not at random, I found the game less interesting, because certain words obviously would be eliminated from consideration, even though they are in the dictionary and are used in normal writing and speech. I found myself guessing at who the editor is, and that's not why I play Wordle. I don't know why, but understanding this person isn't it. # Trump is treated by Big News the way they cover climate change, with a big shrug, what can we do. Meanwhile, they get all twisted up in Her


OneNews "跟着总书记一起过大年"|品年味 Feb 11, 2024 · 1 min read 原标题:"跟着总书记一起过大年"之二"品年味" 为了更有"滋味"的明天 温暖是最浓的年味,牵挂是最深的惦念。 党的十八大以来,在春节前夕,习近平总书记一次次顶风冒雪、跋山涉水,来到人民群众中间,唠家常、问冷暖、送祝福,经常和大家一起参与春节美食制作。 打糍粑、炸年糕、磨豆花……总书记亲自制作和点赞的地方特色传统美食,成为他与群众沟通交流的纽带。 "我们的生活也是这样,越过越好!" 在中国,花样繁多的春节美食,很多都有丰收、富足、节节高等美好寓意。 2017年1月24日,农历腊月二十七,习近平总书记来到了河北省张家口市张北县德胜村。 村民徐万拿出了自家的年货招待。色泽金黄、香甜酥脆的"开口笑",是河北坝上地区很多家庭必备的春节美食。总书记品尝后,说味道很好。 在村民徐学海家,徐学海请总书记同他们一起炸年糕,总书记高兴地同他家人操作起来。 一个个"开口笑",一块块炸年糕,这些春节美食,系着总书记对群众深厚的感情,连着群众对总书记由衷的爱戴。 与春节美食密不可分的,是情义,是团圆,是不忘初心。 2015年春节前夕,习近平总书记自己出钱采办年货,回到陕西梁家河看望老乡。那天中午,在老支书梁玉明家,总书记和老乡围坐在一起吃"年茶饭"。在陕北,人们把过春节时吃的食物统称为"年茶饭"。 "我永远不会忘记梁家河,永远不会忘记父老乡亲,永远不会忘记老区人民。"在习近平总书记亲切关怀下,梁家河的乡亲们吃上了"生态饭",过上了好日子。 情牵人民,春暖中国。 2019年春节前夕,习近平总书记走进北京市东城区草厂四条胡同。在居民朱茂锦家,总书记与他们一家边包水饺边聊家常。总书记笑着说:"我家里也爱包茴香馅的。多年来因工作关系我没包过饺子了,你们看,越包越好。我们的生活也是这样,越过越好!" "越过越好",是总书记的殷切期盼,也是共产党人矢志不渝的追求。 2019年2月


OneNews 学习进行时丨重温习近平总书记新春祝福·浓浓年味 Feb 11, 2024 · 1 min read Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode