Scripting News: Sunday, August 13, 2023
Sunday, August 13, 2023 Every full-featured Node.js app is like a Rube Goldberg machine . # There should be a system call in Node.js that calls me back when all the threads I just launched have completed. Would make for better error messages. Think about it. # I've been a Mets fan since 1962 and this year's Mets feels very familiar . Part of being a Mets fan imho is loving the team and its philosphy of metsness underneath all the suckage. # An immediate improvement AI could make for developers are making the error messages from language interpreters and runtimes better at pointing to the actual source of the problem, not just where it shows up. That would require some guesswork, but it's better to have the computer do some of that before turning it over to the human. The same way it can make medical doctors work easier. # How I wish software worked # Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Rick Danko, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan and Robbie Robertson i...