
目前显示的是 九月 12, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 In the University Teaching Hospital For Tech I'm thinking about, I would teach users how to adjust to a new piece of software before switching to it. Suppose you're going to use a new piece of software to write your blog, something you do every day. Instead of converting to the new software first and diving into production, I would ask you to play with the new editor on the side, on posts that don't matter, maybe even written by ChatGPT, until you're sure it fits your workflow. To surface and report all bugs that are in your way, or find acceptable workarounds. And only when you're satisfied that it works for you, should you consider switching to the new editor for production work. In my experience working with users, they switch too early and then panic when they find the software doesn't work the way they think it should. More generally you have to learn how to work so you don't have to panic, and you can easily

弘扬海关队伍优良作风 当好让党放心让人民满意的国门卫士

OneNews 弘扬海关队伍优良作风 当好让党放心让人民满意的国门卫士 Sep 12, 2023 · 1 min read 回 信 红其拉甫海关的同志们: 你们好!来信收悉。你们克服高寒缺氧等困难,扎根雪域边疆的国门一线,忠于职守,默默奉献,创造了不平凡的业绩,展现了新时代海关人奋发有为的精神风貌。今年是海关关衔制度实行20周年,借此机会向海关系统全体同志致以诚挚的问候! 海关担负着守国门、促发展的职责使命,做好海关工作意义重大。希望同志们胸怀"国之大者",弘扬海关队伍的优良作风,提高监管效能和服务水平,筑牢国门安全屏障,助推高质量发展、高水平开放,当好让党放心、让人民满意的国门卫士,为强国建设、民族复兴积极贡献力量。 习近平 2023年9月11日 (新华社北京9月12日电) 新华社北京9月12日电 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平9月11日给红其拉甫海关全体关员回信,对海关系统干部职工更好履行职责使命提出殷切期望。 习近平在回信中说,你们克服高寒缺氧等困难,扎根雪域边疆的国门一线,忠于职守,默默奉献,创造了不平凡的业绩,展现了新时代海关人奋发有为的精神风貌。今年是海关关衔制度实行20周年,借此机会向海关系统全体同志致以诚挚的问候! 习近平强调,海关担负着守国门、促发展的职责使命,做好海关工作意义重大。希望同志们胸怀"国之大者",弘扬海关队伍的优良作风,提高监管效能和服务水平,筑牢国门安全屏障,助推高质量发展、高水平开放,当好让党放心、让人民满意的国门卫士,为强国建设、民族复兴积极贡献力量。(回信全文另发) 红其拉甫海关地处被称为"生命禁区"的帕米尔高原,所在口岸是我国与巴基斯坦唯一陆路进出境通道。2005年,红其拉甫海关被国务院授予"艰苦奋斗模范海关"荣誉称号,今年被评为全国海关系统先进集体。在海关关衔制度实行20周年之际,红其拉甫海关全体关员给习近平总书记写信,汇报接续守卫国门、服务发展的情况,表达为推进中国式现代化贡献力量的决心。 《 人民日报 》( 2023年09月13日 01 版) Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, S

Data pipelines with Python and SQL - Part 2

Stephen's blog Data pipelines with Python and SQL - Part 2 Using Python & SQL to build a real-world ETL pipeline and dashboard Sep 12, 2023 · 14 min read Preface ✨ In part 1 , we explored the concept of data pipelines, how Python and SQL can be used to create them, and simple code examples to demonstrate them too. This time in part 2, we will be venturing into a hands-on project that utilizes real-world data using Python and SQL together. You won't want to miss this one! This is what the dashboard looks like: https://youtu.be/eVONxz43XEU This article will break down the code responsible for creating the ETL pipeline that feeds data into the dashboard rendered in the above video. Approach 🪖 Set up environment Set up configuration Set up logger Extract data from API Transform data using pre-processing logic Load data into Postgres database Visualize data in a Streamlit app 1. Set up the environment🏖️ a. List the Python modules required Create a requireme