Scripting News: Sunday, August 6, 2023
Sunday, August 6, 2023 Today's song: Houses in Motion . # I read somewhere that when you look at someone's eyes, you're looking at their brain. I suppose this is true of every part of the body, but I've been looking at eyes differently ever since I heard this. # We should retroactively free Americans who were enslaved prior to the 13th Amendment . They should be thought of today as full citizens of the United States to whom unthinkable harm was done. # A San Diego library had a Pride display. Republican parents checked out all the books and said they would not return them until the library agreed to remove the display. When this became public, the library received replacements, many times over. # Who's the most famous person you've met who introduced themself to you and you had to stifle a chuckle because of course I know who you are, but still appreciate the respect. For me it was Goldie Hawn . I rode up on an elevator with her twice. W...