
目前显示的是 一月 23, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 Tomorrow is the 40th anniversary of the big event at Flint Center announcing the Macintosh. It was a huge day in my life, and in the evolution of personal computers and ultimately, the internet. I was there that day, along with Kandes Bregman from my startup, Living Videotext. We had a full page ad in the first issue of MacWorld . We were extremely excited, the Mac seemed to be the perfect machine for our "idea processor" ThinkTank, and Apple seemed to love us. It took a couple of years to get it right, by 1986 my company had switched to be an exclusively Mac company, but not before we were saved by the people at Apple who believed in us, notably Guy Kawasaki , Mike Boich , Del Yocam and Bill Campbell , and many others. I don't know if we would have made it without the help of Apple, but luckily we didn't have to find out. Thank you to all our friends at Apple, and to Steve Jobs and the Mac team for creating such a wonderfu


OneNews 国务院新闻办公室发布《中国的反恐怖主义法律制度体系与实践》白皮书 Jan 23, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京1月23日电 国务院新闻办公室23日发布《中国的反恐怖主义法律制度体系与实践》白皮书。 白皮书除前言、结束语外分为5个部分,分别是反恐怖主义法律制度体系日臻完善,恐怖活动认定清晰、处罚规范,在反恐怖主义工作中规范权力运行,在反恐怖主义工作中依法保障人权,有力维护人民安全和国家安全。 白皮书指出,恐怖主义是人类社会的公敌,是对所有国家和全人类的挑战,严重威胁国际和平与安全。反恐怖主义是国际社会的共同责任。中国作为恐怖主义受害国,长期面临着恐怖主义的现实威胁。中国历来高度重视反恐怖主义法治建设,通过缔结或参加一系列国际公约条约、修改完善刑事法律,不断积累反恐怖主义法治经验。 白皮书强调,多年来,通过建立健全法律制度、严格规范公正文明执法、全面落实公正司法、切实加强人权保障等法治实践,中国逐步探索出符合本国实际的反恐怖主义法治道路,有力维护了国家安全、公共安全和人民生命财产安全,为全球和地区安全稳定作出贡献。 白皮书说,实践证明,各国的探索和实践只要能够体现人类社会价值取向,遵循联合国反恐怖主义原则准则,符合本国国情和法律制度,就都是国际反恐怖主义法治化事业的组成部分。中国愿与世界各国一道,在人类命运共同体理念指引下,积极参与全球反恐怖主义治理,在平等尊重的基础上,广泛开展互学共鉴和交流合作,共同推动全球反恐怖主义事业健康发展。 (白皮书全文见第十一、十二版) 《 人民日报 》( 2024年01月24日 03 版) 相关新闻: 中国的反恐怖主义法律制度体系与实践 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode