Scripting News: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Sunday, October 1, 2023 Google kicked RSS's ass . I'm wondering if when that happened, I shouldn't have stepped up and tried to raise a great RSS reader from OpenSourceLand. But I don't think it could have happened. It's funny how people processed that event, I didn't see any anger at Google, which if my little old UserLand had done something like that, there would have been a huge shitstorm. I think they manage their PR well because there's no one identifiable as the personality of Google, neither of the founders are visible. They don't tweet, you never hear anything about them outside of the business press. Same with the two people they've hired as CEO. Anyway, they treated RSS like an unwanted litter of kittens, put in a shopping bag and dropped from a bridge over a river. No thought to cleaning up the mess they created. They treated their users and the standard they took over like crap. But people need a person to be angry with....