Scripting News: Monday, April 1, 2024
Monday, April 1, 2024 We need a resistance movement that reporters can report on. A new women's march for reproductive health would be a great place to start. I'm not giving up on journalism yet, just knowing they need to see a resistance to report on it. That means big marches, streets filled with Americans, who will sound angry and determined when inteviewed by reporters. And spokespersons who can be interviewed by Maddow and Blitzer. # Ken Smith summarizes : "Figure out what kinds of events the press likes to cover, then create that kind of event." That's right. Let's not argue about what the press should cover. We can't change them. Just give them what they need to do the right thing. # After a couple of tests, the fix below is implemented here. For some reason I wasn't subscribed to my own feed, which accounted for the fact that updates from this blog weren't getting into the blogroll. That troubles me, I have to try to piec...