Scripting News: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024 Textcasting is rewriting the rules of the social web. # Here's what's going to happen. A bunch of new networks are forming, and they will melt into one, following a pattern established by the internet itself, when they formed a net of nets based on a common protocol called TCP. On top of that HTTP was built, with a number of years following with very productive building and bootstrapping, and from there it was a lot of chaos, around the advent of Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader. The last time we had a common way of interop was 17 years ago. I think/hope we're incentivized to make one edit box suffice, in place of the 5-10 tiny little textboxes we now all have to copy-paste between, and btw one way of addressing nodes, and then we can start building again as we did last in the 90s and 00s. I see something brilliant in the new path that Twitteriffic wants to go down (I gave them $128). It's same path I've been goin...