
目前显示的是 三月 11, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024 Manton Reece: Recommendations and Blogrolls . We have been working on this together for the last couple of weeks. Really exciting to see it come to fruition. # Journalism talks about Trump's trials, but they are trials for the Constitution too. If Trump is guilty (spoiler: he is ) then if he isn't punished we no longer have the rule of law. So don't miss that we are on trial too. And -- when journalism frames the faceoff as Democrat vs Republican, they ignore us, the people of the United States. Whether people know it or not, they will lose if the Republicans win. We know that, it's provable. And anything that's true should be built into the stories journalism writes about. # Next tab test : Do the tabs on news.scripting.com work?? # Last night's email was a repeat of Saturday's. The reason was the switch to Daylight Savings Time . This happens every year. The fix is to edit stats.json in the mail sender app's


OneNews 让青年科技人才挑大梁当主角(深度关注) Mar 12, 2024 · 1 min read 长沙城内,国家超级计算长沙中心总算力全国领先,大飞机地面动力学试验平台已经开试;往南看株洲,航空发动机冰风洞装置、力能实验装置,正助力航空与轨道交通产业再攀科技高峰……湖南四个重大科学装置建设现场,基建和科研同时发力。 高能级创新平台建设,需要高层次科技人才。近年来,湖南人才工作深入实施创新驱动发展战略,把国家所需、未来所向、湖南所能结合起来,全方位培养、引进、用好青年人才,让更多青年人才在创新创业中挑大梁、当主角。 用激动人心的事业吸引人 春节过后,长沙长泰机器人公司的年轻人聚在一起没几天,又很快散到了全国工程机械、轨道交通、轻工纺织等工业领域生产一线。 "在湖南,年轻人的舞台也更大了,成才的路径更清晰了。"长沙长泰机器人公司负责人高狄说。2010年,他从北京来到长沙,发现当地既缺少生产工业机器人的企业,也缺少懂工业机器人的人才,花了许多时间和精力去摸索,建设队伍。而现在高狄感到,随着政策的完善、产业的发展,湖南能提供给年轻人的机会越来越多,吸引力越来越强。 "有了好的平台,青年人才就有了施展才华的空间,队伍越来越壮大。"高狄说,如今公司员工平均年龄31岁,技术研发人员占比达80%,人才引得进、留得住,形成良性循环。 一个行业、一个地方,要想吸引踌躇满志的年轻人,就必须要有激动人心的事业。 2023年,湖南省先后出台《关于加快建设现代化产业体系的指导意见》和《湖南省现代化产业体系建设实施方案》,提出以先进制造业为主导,改造提升四大传统产业,巩固延伸四大优势产业,培育壮大四大新兴产业,前瞻布局四大未来产业,构建湖南现代化产业体系的"四梁八柱"。 以此为依托,湖南青年人才项目坚持把人才培养引进与重大战略实施相结合,紧扣国家重大战略实施、"三个高地"建设、"4+4科创工程"、长沙全球研发中心城市建设等需求,促使人才资源优势与湖南重点优势产业的发展优势同频共振。2023年,聚焦精准医学的芙蓉实验室发出邀请函,将在3年内招聘100名研究项目负责人;聚焦种业自立自强的岳麓山实验室面向全国公开遴选品种创制中心、功能研究部


OneNews 一见•总书记为何强调他们是中华民族大厦的"基石""栋梁"? Mar 12, 2024 · 1 min read 职业教育是培育工匠的沃土。连续两年"下团组",总书记同大国工匠面对面交流,体现了对高水平技能人才的肯定,彰显了对构建现代职业教育体系、培养更多支撑民族大厦的基石和栋梁的深切期望。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

用好民情档案 提升治理效能(干部状态新观察)

OneNews 用好民情档案 提升治理效能(干部状态新观察) Mar 12, 2024 · 1 min read 一大早,浙江省衢州市柯城区花园街道上洋村村民徐后根来到村里的党群服务中心,年满60岁的他准备办个老年优待证。"个人相关信息通过民情档案就能查到,村里还可帮办代办,蛮方便的。"徐后根说。 近年来,衢州市以"民情档案、民情沟通、为民服务"为重点,建好、用好民情档案,并进行数字化升级,进一步优化便民服务,持续提升基层治理水平。 建立民情档案,加强管理维护,推广使用线上平台 此前,徐后根要开具证明,曾因为一时找不到身份证而发愁。"好在党群服务中心的民情档案里,还有我的身份证复印件,没耽误办事。"徐后根说。 徐后根所说的民情档案存放于村党群服务中心二楼的办公室。办公室里,一组组档案柜整齐码放着村里2000多套各类资料。"10多年前,村里开始系统收集村情、户情和民情等资料,并做好更新管理,以便更好服务群众。"上洋村党支部书记黄岳华说。 此前,不少农户因资料保存不善甚至遗失,造成不必要的麻烦。黄岳华说,村里逐村逐户收集民情信息,建立起"一村一册、一户一档、一事一表"的民情档案体系,组织村两委干部做好民情档案的管理和维护。 如今,村民个人信息有变动都会主动及时交到党群服务中心,放入民情档案。不仅如此,村里发挥基层干部人熟、地熟、情况熟的优势,建立健全日常走访机制,协助补充完善民情档案。 "我们村集体每年分红,都清清楚楚、有据可查。"黄岳华说,村里建立民情档案后,村干部日常走访收集更新,各类资料随时可查,确保了"事先有约定,分红少纠纷"。 现在,民情档案进一步升级。衢州在全市推广使用的线上平台"邻礼通",涵盖了居民、住房、场所等5大类40余项信息,归集11个部门约2500万条民情数据,与基层多个应用打通融合。如今,"邻礼通"线上归集民情档案超过110万户。为保护居民隐私、保证数据安全,干部只能打开自身工作权限范围内的数据,无法越权访问。 推进领导干部下访,建立沟通机制,及时听取群众诉求 "3个网格407户1489人……"

Weekly Vue News #136 - Computed Caching vs. Methods

Weekly Vue News #136 Computed Caching vs. Methods View online Hi 👋 This week's newsletter comes with no groundbreaking news, but just a heartfelt reminder that we're inching closer to my next big milestone of 3000 subscribers. Let's keep the Vue & Nuxt love flowing! Have a nice week ☀️ Vue 📕 Design Patterns for Vue.js 👉🏻 A great book by Lachlan to arm you with the tools, patterns and concepts to build complex, scalable and testable Vue applications. 📕 Handling Environment Variables in Vue 👉🏻 In this article, Fotis explains how you can handle environment variables in your Vue.js project. 📹 Vue Fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security 👉🏻 Join Ramona for a concise, practical session on fortifying your Vue apps against security threats and implementing best practices. 🛠️ vue0 👉🏻 An open Source alternative for v0. 👉🏻 Generate usable Vue.js component, not just UI. 👉🏻 Support `shadcn/vue` for now. Sponsored 48 Hours to get hands-on with Vue: FREE WEEKEN

What if you were 2x more productive with Vue? (1/4)

I've been using Vue for a long time, and doing web development for an even longer time. Here are some of my favourite comments from co-workers at my last job: "I wish we could just clone Michael and have two of him on this project!" — Project Manager "I'm not that worried [about this deadline], you work really quickly." — Tech Lead "Michael is a programming BEAST!" — Co-worker on a component library project Now, imagine yourself receiving these comments — it feels pretty great, right? What would it mean to you if you could get your work done twice as fast? A sense of pride and accomplishment at mastering your craft Less stress and a better work-life balance Maybe even a fast track to a promotion, a better job, or earning more money as a freelancer This is why reusability in Vue is a such a big de

Scripting News: Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024 Journalism is missing the story of the century. Does the American experiment end here? That's the horse race worth covering. # I still haven't found whatever it is that is causing the tabs not to respond to clicks sometimes on mobile devices on news.scripting.com and scripting.com. I'm thinking about all the time that's going into this and how much value there is in the tabs. I could also cut through all the michegas and just redirect from news.scripting.com into FeedLand . The same data. There are advantages to doing it that way. For some people that is what news.scripting.com will turn into. It's an on ramp to the world of collaborative feed subscriptions. The open social web, in feeds. Which is why we call it Feed Land. You know The Land of Feeds. I like "land" names for products and companies. I started a company called UserLand a long time ago. I was skiing in Utah in 1989 when I decided on two names: UserLand


OneNews 《习近平著作选读》第一卷、第二卷英文版出版发行 Mar 11, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京3月11日电 《习近平著作选读》第一卷、第二卷英文版,近日由外文出版社出版,面向海内外发行。 《习近平著作选读》第一卷、第二卷收入的是习近平总书记在2012年11月至2022年10月这段时间内的重要著作,以习近平总书记在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》为开卷篇,其他著作按时间顺序编排。 《习近平著作选读》生动记录了以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导人民开创中国特色社会主义新时代并不断夺取新胜利的伟大历史进程,集中反映了新时代中国共产党人推进马克思主义中国化时代化取得的重大理论创新成果,充分彰显了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想引领强国建设、民族复兴的真理力量和实践伟力,立体展现了中国共产党致力于推动建设美好世界的中国智慧和中国担当,是全面系统反映习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的权威著作。 《习近平著作选读》第一卷、第二卷英文版的对外出版发行,有助于国外读者系统了解习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,对于增进国际社会对中国式现代化和中华民族现代文明的认识和理解,具有重要意义。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode