Scripting News: Monday, March 11, 2024
Monday, March 11, 2024 Manton Reece: Recommendations and Blogrolls . We have been working on this together for the last couple of weeks. Really exciting to see it come to fruition. # Journalism talks about Trump's trials, but they are trials for the Constitution too. If Trump is guilty (spoiler: he is ) then if he isn't punished we no longer have the rule of law. So don't miss that we are on trial too. And -- when journalism frames the faceoff as Democrat vs Republican, they ignore us, the people of the United States. Whether people know it or not, they will lose if the Republicans win. We know that, it's provable. And anything that's true should be built into the stories journalism writes about. # Next tab test : Do the tabs on work?? # Last night's email was a repeat of Saturday's. The reason was the switch to Daylight Savings Time . This happens every year. The fix is to edit stats.json in the mail sender app's...