Scripting News: Monday, September 9, 2024
Monday, September 9, 2024 Could Kamala Harris look into the camera tomorrow night and say "To Fox News viewers, they've been feeding you a load crap. Just thought you should know. And I wouldn't trust the others so much either." # 30th anniversary in a month # Are the Apple announcements like great reunions for people who have been going to these things regularly for 20+ years? If so, I can see the value in it. # I went to a reunion at Berkman, after 20 years , and it was great, made me wonder why we didn't do it every year for the last 20. When you get a group of people together who do great things in a special moment, you should see them from time to time. # But I have a feeling there's a lot of turnover at the Apple events. In any case, I stopped going to them somewhere in the mid-90s, or more accurately they stopped inviting me. Yeah I was disruptive, but only in comparison to how well-behaved the other journos were (a...