
目前显示的是 三月 20, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Manton Reece gives Facebook the benefit of the doubt. I have at times been that optimistic. And there are good well-intentioned people at every bigco. The problem is, when you get to the top, they don't actually give a F about any of this. They like to keep their users where they are. Right now Facebook is hoovering up people who are looking for something new in the Twitter space. So it helps to encourage people to believe that there will be a way out if they want to try something else. But everyone knows for real that that isn't what's going to happen. This is in the tech playbook. When you're growing, you want everything to be open. When there aren't any more users to get from other places, well, that was a nice idea . # Linkblog items for the day. Spray chalk. What a great idea. amazon.com Reddit IPO: Share sale values social media firm at $6.4bn. bbc.com Nvidia's Omniverse shows the enterprise s


OneNews 立足新起点谱写新篇章——习近平总书记在新时代推动中部地区崛起座谈会上的重要讲话指明发展方向、激励担当作为 Mar 20, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京3月20日电 题:立足新起点谱写新篇章——习近平总书记在新时代推动中部地区崛起座谈会上的重要讲话指明发展方向、激励担当作为 新华社记者 3月20日下午,习近平总书记在湖南省长沙市主持召开新时代推动中部地区崛起座谈会并发表重要讲话,强调在更高起点上扎实推动中部地区崛起。 时隔五年,习近平总书记再次主持召开座谈会谋划中部地区发展新蓝图,为新征程上推动中部地区崛起指明方向。广大干部群众表示,将以习近平总书记重要讲话为指引,锐意进取、担当作为,在中国式现代化建设中奋力谱写中部地区崛起新篇章。 加快崛起,发展新成效振奋人心 中部地区是我国重要粮食生产基地、能源原材料基地、现代装备制造及高技术产业基地和综合交通运输枢纽,在全国具有举足轻重的地位。 "习近平总书记在座谈会上充分肯定了中部地区取得的新成效,中部地区发展站到了更高起点上。这让我们更加坚定了发展信心。"江西省发展改革委副主任邱啟旻说,"过去五年江西省GDP年均增长6%左右,总量突破3万亿元,产业结构持续优化、改革开放迈出新步伐。下一步我们将坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,推动重点任务落实落地,扛起主体责任、发挥自身优势,继续在推动中部地区崛起上奋勇争先。" 位于安徽合肥的科大国盾量子技术股份有限公司,科研人员正争分夺秒进行项目攻关。"总书记说中部区域'创新发展动能不断增强',我们感受很深。这几年创新要素加快集聚,我们企业牵头和参与制定多项量子通信国际标准。"公司总裁应勇说,"总书记要求强化企业创新主体地位,我们接下来将在加快关键核心技术攻关的同时,推动科研成果向现实生产力转化,助力新一代信息基础设施建设。" 中部六省份中五个是粮食主产区。五年来,惠农政策、高标准农田建设等让种粮效益不断提高,粮食安全基础更加稳固。湖南省常德市谢家铺镇港中坪村的种粮大户戴宏告诉记者:"去年我们流转480多亩土地,粮食亩产量超过2200斤。我要继续学习新技术,优化'管理经',多种粮、种好粮,为端稳中国饭碗出力。&

🔥 (#157) Dedupe fetches easily

Hey! Today is the last day to get the newly updated Reusable Components for 35% off. You can get instant access to Reusable Components here . Other than that, I hope you're having a lovely early spring! Enjoy these tips. — Michael 🔥 Dedupe fetches in Nuxt Since 3.9 we can control how Nuxt deduplicates fetches with the dedupe parameter: useFetch ( '/api/menuItems' , {   // Cancel the previous request and make a new request   dedupe :  'cancel' }); The useFetch composable (and useAsyncData composable) will re-fetch data reactively as their parameters are updated. By default, they'll cancel the previous request and initiate a new one with the new parameters. However, you can change this behaviour to instead defer to the existing request — while there is a pending request, no new requests will be made: useFe

Today is your last chance — Reusable Components

Think about a dev you know who is insanely productive. How do they get so much done? They're probably not smarter than you. They probably don't work harder than you. They know how to use the right patterns and tools to leverage their effort. They know how to work smarter . ​ Reusable Components is filled to the brim with the patterns and tools that will help you transform your productivity. But the 35% discount is going away today. Here's an overview of the the 20 different sections of the course, organized into the 6 Levels of Reusability: ​ By this time next week you'll be a master at building highly reusable components. Here's just a sample of what you can expect from it: Why giving more control to child components creates a massive opportunity . This is one of the most important concepts in the entire course. The 3 different kinds of props a