
目前显示的是 十二月 15, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday, December 15, 2023 I think now, if Bluesky announced outbound RSS 2.0 support, really good RSS support, they'd blow the whole thing up. # You're supposed to know # Not sure if you all know, I was a math major in college. # It was the weirdest choice for me because, until my first semester of college, not been interested in math. I thought it was boring. # Turns out math wasn't boring, the teachers were boring. # I had a math professor in freshman year, at Lehman College, in the Bronx, who showed me first that I could do it, and then led me to the discovery that hey this is amazing. So I majored in it. # I didn't do great, B-minus average. But there was one class I got an A in, a summer class (in New Orleans), and it was the only class I took. I think that made a big difference, I could just focus on this one subject. My mind has always been like that, I like to zoom in on things. # Anyway, I remember one day, alm


OneNews "核心价值观百场讲坛"第137场在江西南昌举办 Dec 15, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社南昌12月15日电(记者闵尊涛)由中宣部宣教局、光明日报社共同主办的"核心价值观百场讲坛"第137场活动15日在江西南昌举行。中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程首席专家、国家教材委员会专家委员会专家张国祚作题为《锤炼品德修为 坚持修身立德》的演讲。 张国祚表示,党员干部要加强道德修养,尤其是要讲政德,做到明大德、守公德、严私德,"青年党员干部是青年中的佼佼者和榜样骨干,要不断加强品德修养,练就良好修为,做一名坚守党性、守住初心的好党员"。 张国祚从"筑牢信仰之基""深悟理论之要""做到知行合一"三方面入手,引经据典,用历史上生动鲜活的案例,与广大党员干部分享了自己对于提升青年党员能力素养的见解。"我们要强化对习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和中华优秀传统文化的学习和认同,坚定民族自尊心和自信心,用党的创新理论和向上向善的中华文化培根铸魂、启智润心,修好共产党人的'心学'。"张国祚说。 本次活动由江西省委宣传部、光明网承办。光明网、光明日报客户端对活动进行现场直播。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode