
目前显示的是 九月 8, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday, September 8, 2023 First notes from the BKC 25 reuninon # My first thoughts on coming home, not well organized. # I'm back home after an incredible couple of days at the Berkman 25 year reunion. # I was there 20 years ago. # We were on a roll toward inventing social media. We had learned a lot and were practicing it, and if we had continued, there's at least a chance there would be an open alternative to Facebook and Twitter now instead of all the trouble caused by their dominance. # It probably wouldn't have needed much if any money, btw. # I believe investors would have wanted to invest on our terms in open source development at a university in 2003, but I didn't have the idea developed at the time enough to propose it. # Very independently of my Berkman experience in 2014 I was thinking all about how an academic institution should welcome people back every few years to contribute to an ongoing open source

What is a SQL database?

Stephen's blog What is a SQL database? A guide to the structure and function of an RDBMS with SQL Sep 9, 2023 · 16 min read Preface✨ In my previous article "An Introduction to SQL in Data Engineering" , I briefly touched on databases and the objects associated with them. This article aims to dive deeper into what they are, what they contain and how they benefit data engineering operations. What is a database?🤔 A database is a collection of data that is structured in a certain way. The data itself can be anything recorded such as text, numbers, sounds, images, etc. The structure of the database depends on the database used such as relational, graph, document etc. For instance, a relational database organises data into rows and columns, but a document database stores data in JSON and XML documents. For example, when you take a photo or record a video on your mobile device, the media file is stored on your phone's memory or SD card, and the metadata


OneNews 特写:"保证受灾群众入冬前能入住"——习近平总书记在黑龙江尚志市看望慰问受灾群众 Sep 8, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社哈尔滨9月8日电 题:"保证受灾群众入冬前能入住"——习近平总书记在黑龙江尚志市看望慰问受灾群众 新华社记者张晓松、林晖 今年入汛以来,京津冀和东北等地先后出现多次强降雨过程,引发洪涝和地质灾害,大量农田和民房被冲毁。 牵挂着灾区群众,9月7日上午,正在黑龙江考察调研的习近平总书记从哈尔滨出发,乘火车、换汽车,来到受灾较重的尚志市老街基乡龙王庙村。 一下车,总书记就沿着田埂土路走进一片稻田,仔细察看农作物受灾情况。 洪水虽已退去,田间仍有明显的过水痕迹,眼前大片水稻倒伏在地,茎秆、稻穗上沾满淤泥。 8月初,连日暴雨导致大泥河龙王庙村段水位突涨,汹涌的洪水漫过河堤、冲向村屯,翻滚着吞噬了沿岸大片农田。 "当时这片都过水了吗?"总书记问道。 "是的,全村约有一半农田受灾。"当地负责同志说。 望向稻田深处,总书记目光凝重。 习近平总书记弯腰掐下一束稻穗,放在手中搓了搓,"都快灌浆了,水给泡了。" 据当地负责同志介绍,受灾后他们及时抢排积水,喷施叶面肥、生长剂等,起到了一定的保收作用。 "这片能保几成收成?"总书记问道。 "受灾较轻的农田能保五成左右。"当地负责同志说。 听说受灾农田除了一些补贴,还有农业保险理赔,目前到位率在60%以上,总书记点头表示肯定。 习近平总书记和党中央始终高度重视防汛救灾工作。早在今年7月初,全国即将进入"七下八上"防汛关键期,习近平总书记就作出重要指示,要求加强统筹协调,强化会商研判,做好监测预警,切实把保障人民生命财产安全放到第一位,努力将各类损失降到最低。 农田旁,是一栋正在重建的灾毁房屋,四面砖墙已经砌了起来,再过几天就可以上梁了。 习近平总书记走进工地,向现场施工人员仔细询问房屋面积、布局、抗震级别等。 在卧室里,总书记指着预留的火炕位置问道:"还有什么别的取暖方式?" "除了炕,还有火墙。" "外墙还