
目前显示的是 三月 14, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024 This would be a nice place to have Markdown support. # Lots of cleaning up after yesterday's party. I love that people are open to new ideas with blogs in 2024. It's been a while. # Written docs about using the blogroll. # BTW, this is the feed list for my blogroll. Feel free to import or subscribe to it into your feed reader. # I've started a page on opml.org for notes on blogrolls. # The Scripting News RSS feed now has a <source:blogroll> element. # Updated the reallySimple package to look for the <source:blogroll> element. This means the data will be available to FeedLand . # The blogroll sorted in reverse-reverse chronologic order . # A place to report problems with the new blogroll . # The popup menu # A popup menu with all kinds of background info. # Linkblog items for the day. RSS > ActivityPub. I agree. And you can get realtime updates with rssCl

推动文明交流互鉴 凝聚全球合作共识——写在全球文明倡议提出一周年之际

OneNews 推动文明交流互鉴 凝聚全球合作共识——写在全球文明倡议提出一周年之际 Mar 14, 2024 · 1 min read "在各国前途命运紧密相连的今天,不同文明包容共存、交流互鉴,在推动人类社会现代化进程、繁荣世界文明百花园中具有不可替代的作用。在此,我愿提出全球文明倡议。" 2023年3月15日,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平在中国共产党与世界政党高层对话会上,面向世界首次提出全球文明倡议。 着眼推动不同文明交流互鉴、增进各国人民相知相亲、凝聚国际社会合作共识……全球文明倡议提出一年来,中国和国际社会一道,努力开创各国人文交流、文化交融、民心相通的新局面,为推动人类文明进步、应对全球共同挑战贡献中国智慧、激发精神力量。 丰富构建人类命运共同体的实践路径 "我提出全球文明倡议,就是要推动国际社会解决物质和精神失衡问题,共同推动人类文明不断进步。"当地时间2023年11月15日,习近平主席在旧金山出席美国友好团体联合举行的欢迎宴会并发表演讲时,指明提出全球文明倡议的要旨所在。 人类生活在同一个地球村,乘坐在同一条大船上。面对扑面而来的各种全球性挑战,各国理应超越历史、文化以及地缘和制度的差异,共同呵护好、建设好这个人类唯一可以居住的星球。 2013年3月,习近平主席提出构建人类命运共同体理念,对建设一个什么样的世界、怎样建设这个世界给出中国方案。 为破解发展难题,习近平主席2021年9月在联合国大会首提全球发展倡议;为应对持续复杂变化的国际安全局势,习近平主席2022年4月在博鳌亚洲论坛年会开幕式上提出全球安全倡议;着眼人类文明进步,习近平主席2023年3月提出全球文明倡议……自此,全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议彼此呼应、相辅相成,从发展、安全、文明三个维度为推动构建人类命运共同体提供坚实支撑。 ——共同倡导尊重世界文明多样性; ——共同倡导弘扬全人类共同价值; ——共同倡导重视文明传承和创新; ——共同倡导加强国际人文交流合作。 习近平主席用四个"共同倡导"对全球文明倡议的主要内容进行概括,为推动文明交流互鉴、促进人类文明进步指明路径。 这是2023年10月30日在湖南长沙拍摄的博鳌亚洲论坛全球经济发展与安全论坛第二届大会开幕式现

How the magic of scoped slots ✨ makes you more productive (4/4)

Hey there! Congrats on making it this far! We've covered a lot of material this week. Most devs are not as dedicated to improving themselves as you are. First, we saw how making our components more reusable can have a huge effect on our work and career. Then, I showed you that slots, especially scoped slots, are the key to unlocking ultimate reusability. Finally, we did a deep dive on scoped slots so we can understand them really well. We saw how they're just functions underneath a layer of nice syntax. The final piece of this puzzle is to actually use scoped slots to make our components more reusable. As Patrick said about reusability, "whenever I bring slots into play, it's almost always an 'aha!' moment." ​ The magic of scoped slots ✨ So let's take a look at some of the patterns I've discovered to help us do this. 1. Extension Point