Scripting News: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 I've heard-said from friends that they don't "see" race. I don't believe them. I saw the race, and gender and age, of the black women in the Atlanta justice system, moving around DJ Trump's condemnation, the pieces of paper that should end him. I laughed out loud about how freaking appropriate this was. America is all of us, and we all have equal power at least when it comes to voting and existing , though assholes like Trump would have you believe only people who look and smell like him matter. Trump did the worst thing he could possibly do, played stupid, visible, not even slightly under the radar of law enforcement, games with the franchise of all Georgians. And what a great reminder America is all us. Us. E pluribus unum. # I love the way the new header image on came out. Fani peering out over the top, serious, focused, tough. # Big Yellow Taxi as if it were written by the Grateful Dead, as po...