
目前显示的是 八月 16, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 I've heard-said from friends that they don't "see" race. I don't believe them. I saw the race, and gender and age, of the black women in the Atlanta justice system, moving around DJ Trump's condemnation, the pieces of paper that should end him. I laughed out loud about how freaking appropriate this was. America is all of us, and we all have equal power at least when it comes to voting and existing , though assholes like Trump would have you believe only people who look and smell like him matter. Trump did the worst thing he could possibly do, played stupid, visible, not even slightly under the radar of law enforcement, games with the franchise of all Georgians. And what a great reminder America is all us. Us. E pluribus unum. # I love the way the new header image on scripting.com came out. Fani peering out over the top, serious, focused, tough. # Big Yellow Taxi as if it were written by the Grateful Dead, as po...

锚定高质量 激发新动能

OneNews 锚定高质量 激发新动能 Aug 16, 2023 · 1 min read 兰州新区栖霞湖风光。 本报记者 王锦涛摄 经济增速连续6年居国家级新区前列,地区生产总值从不足5亿元增长到342亿元,常住人口从不足10万人增长到55万人,经营主体从不足1000户增长到3.4万户……短短11年,甘肃省兰州市北部的秦王川盆地黄土滩上,兰州新区拔地而起,一座产业集聚、产城融合、开放平台功能逐渐释放的现代新城正加快形成。 2019年8月,习近平总书记在甘肃考察时强调,"推进供给侧结构性改革,加快构建覆盖城乡、功能完备、支撑有力的基础设施体系,加快改造传统产业,培育新兴产业,加大改革攻坚力度,加快构建开放新格局,积极发展高附加值特色农业,统筹旅游资源保护和开发,不断夯实高质量发展基础。" 深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,兰州新区锐意改革创新、持续推动高质量发展。"今年上半年,地区生产总值同比增长11%,进出口贸易额同比增长47%,税收收入同比增长130%。"兰州市委常委、兰州新区党工委书记杨建忠说,兰州新区经济发展跑出加速度,产城融合有了新突破,生态环境持续改善,向西开放的路子越走越宽。 ——深化改革,先行先试闯新局。 "生产建设周期整整缩短了12个月!"甘肃海亮新能源材料有限公司董事长王树光说,得益于兰州新区企业投资项目承诺制,公司15万吨高性能铜箔材料项目,从落地到开工,再到首条生产线投产出箔,前后不到半年。 减少事前审批,强化事后监管约束和过程服务,兰州新区精简审批事项。"审批主要事项由23项精简至5项,审批时限由147个工作日压缩到26个工作日,新签项目当年开工率达80%以上。"兰州新区政务服务中心负责人王子铭说,截至目前,已有300余个项目签订了企业投资项目承诺书,实现了早开工、早投产。 兰州新区敢闯敢试,一批改革举措取得突破性进展。"机构设置上实行'大部制、大服务、扁平化',构建了新区管委会—园区管委会—镇(社区)三级管理服务架构。"杨建忠介绍,新区机关部门及事业单位内设科级机构压缩了51.2%。 "如今,兰州新区各部门职能更加优化、权责更加协同、运行更加高效,政务服务...

“Custom Error Pages in Nuxt 3” + 7 more note-worthy Vue.js related resources


🔥 (#126) The Configuration Pattern

Hey! This week I'm at the cottage to take full advantage of summer. I've scheduled this one ahead of time, since I'm hanging out with family, reading a lot, and don't have any internet access right now. (So yes, I'm writing this in the past as though I'm writing it to you in the future...?) I hope you're enjoying your summer (or winter) as well! Here are some tips, as always. Have a fantastic week! — Michael Vue Tips Collection Maybe you just want to stay on top of the latest features, remind yourself of interesting things Vue can do, and get daily inspiration. Vue Tips Collection is a beautiful book of 115 awesome tips, as well as a daily email to get your creative juices flowing. ​ Check out Vue Tips Collection ​ 🔥 Reusability Fundamentals: The Configuration Pattern So you've got a fantastic CodeBlock component that does syntax high...