Scripting News: Monday, October 9, 2023
Monday, October 9, 2023 I hope journalists and bloggers, before they take Wikipedia as authoritative on any subject related to the web, verify their understanding of facts with ChatGPT. It's generally far more accurate than the stuff you get from Wikipedia, at least in my experience. # One reason I miss Frontier # Quick note -- I'm working on a deep database feature in FeedLand , adding support for reading lists . Deep in the sense that it's under several layers of user interface. It's like digging up the foundation of a house and figuring out how to add a new room on the third floor. It's something of a high wire act, but I honestly think I figured it out. # It's far from the first time I've implemented reading lists, I've done it before with simpler apps in JavaScript, and richer apps many years ago, in Frontier . # This time it's in JavaScript and MySQL, and thus is, in one way, fairly compariable to UserTalk a...