Scripting News: Monday, September 18, 2023
Monday, September 18, 2023 Textcasting applies the philosophy of podcasting to text. # now redirects to the Links tab on Scripting News. # A screen shot of what looked like. I like to do this when domains move, when I think of it, so at least the image of the previous site is maintained. # I'm davew on Pebble which used to be T2. Note the "s" they added after http in the address of my blog. I don't know why they did that. They need to not do that. Thank you. # BTW, are you seriously telling me "security" couldn't have been added to the web without breaking every single freaking link? # I'd like to have a chat with the secret unaccountable person who is breaking the web at Google. How about running your ideas past me before you break the web. Would that be okay? # Today's song : If I was you I'd wanna be me too. # Textcasting revisited # Textcasting applie...