Scripting News: Friday, January 26, 2024
Friday, January 26, 2024 Jeff Jarvis nails it . They need a public editor at the NYT to point out, under the NYT banner, when they break the deal they made with their readers, to keep their interests separate from their editorial work. # I don't think there is a curiosity gene. Instead some people are, I assume, not raised to think creatively. I was challenged intellectually by my parents from a very young age, asked to think about things that maybe most kids don't get asked about. Somehow my mind was trained to ask questions. What a perfect time it was to be born. Because along come personal computers, where you don't have to use someone else's hardware to explore. And then the web. And now AI. At this point you can't see the horizon, you don't have an idea what the limits are, but you can see some of the paths that lead beyond where you are. It's wonderful to watch people explore this. We can do that because we have the web and personal co...