Scripting News: Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 So much of the history isn't covered on the Wikipedia page on RSS , for example, the apps that got the ball rolling in the spring of 1999: my.netscape and my.userland and the four pioneering web pubs: Salon, Wired, Motley Fool and Red Herring. We immediately put new feed support into Manila and the early versions of Radio and were followed by Blogger, Movable Type and basically the whole blogging world (WordPress was still a few years in the future). It was all that adoption in a short period of time that made RSS a big thing. Professional and amateur writers in one space. When you went to see what's new, the web did the surfing for you. For me it was the continuation of a story that goes back to the San Francisco newspaper strike in 1994. And it's still happening today on Twitter, Threads, Bluesky, Mastodon. It's a continuing story. Not over by a lot. # In the early 80s, my main development machine was an Apple II, believe i...