Scripting News: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025 WordLand is simply an editor for writers who publish to WordPress. # I'm also interested in social networks and RSS and have written a lot about that in the context of WordLand, because it generates RSS, it can connect to any app that understands RSS. But don't get confused that WordLand is somehow a twitter-like silo. There are already too many of those. I want something much simpler and I believe more useful and less spammy and abusive -- a social network built around RSS. # Like many other people I love Severance , esp this season, and esp the most recent episode . My favorite scene in the last episode took place at a Chinese restaurant. Anyway, I was just listening to the latest episode of the Severance podcast , about this episode, which you should definitely listen to if you like me love the show. They have an interview with Christopher Walken who plays Burt . Amazing stuff. But even more amazing is that I learned in th...