
目前显示的是 二月 28, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 There are a lot of blogging communities out there in 2024, but we don't think of them that way. But they totally behave like a blogging community. I remember when I was starting weblogs.com , I wanted to get an idea of when sites were updating, so I didn't have to go hunting through a blogroll, clicking on links to find out if there was anything new. So I wrote a script that worked off a list of blogs, read each one in turn, and compared it with the last version we read, and if there was a change, it would move it to the top of the list. I didn't just make it for myself, I shared it with everyone. There was a mail list where people were freaking out about this. The server that would read their blog every so often was called subhonker . This was something new and they were scared. I couldn't show them the benefit until the script had been running for a while. Everyone got upset. I remember being confused and scared, but I guess


OneNews 一切工作都要往实里做、做出实效(干部状态新观察·关键一年抓落实) Feb 28, 2024 · 1 min read 图①:浙江兆龙互连科技股份有限公司生产车间内,浙江省湖州市德清县市场监督管理局干部介绍助企纾困政策。 王树成摄(影像中国) 图②:福建省莆田市城厢区纪检监察干部(中、右)走访菜农。 吴 震摄(影像中国) 图③:山东省淄博市淄川区双杨镇干部(左)在辖区企业走访,帮助企业解决困难。 王泽川摄(人民视觉) 图④:重庆市开州区浦里工业园区厂房建设有序推进。 王晓宇摄(影像中国) 山东莒南县大店镇党委书记陈立明—— 夯实基层党建 不折不扣抓落实 本报记者 王 者 冬小麦绿油油,山东省临沂市莒南县大店镇中心村的高标准农田里,不少农户已在进行春管。"这是这片农田建成后种植的第一茬小麦,我得过来看看。"大店镇党委书记陈立明说。 农业是大店镇的主产业,去年大店镇使用上级拨款6800万元,规划新建2.1万亩高标准农田。如何将好政策落实好,转化为实打实的成效?"规划再好,关键还要看落地情况。"陈立明介绍,大店镇持续加强基层党组织建设,全镇党员干部狠抓落实。 2023年,大店镇依托党员教育中心开展镇机关、"两新"组织、农村层面党建业务培训班15次,建立以村干部履职承诺、定岗定责、民主评议、组织约谈、停职教育和综合考核为主体的"五制一考核"管理监督体系,对于不能胜任的及时进行调整,全面提升村干部队伍的战斗力。 高标准农田建设规划之初,各村党组织书记带领村两委成员奔赴田间地头,介绍规划详情,听取农户意见建议。"老百姓能不能真正得实惠,建设过程合不合规范,不到田间地头看看,都是空谈。"陈立明说。路从哪里修,渠在哪里布,灌溉设施怎么建……正式施工前,大店镇各村再次召开村民大会,论证规划方案的实际效果,优化实施细节。 施工开始后,镇里排出值班表,每天安排专人现场协调推进。陈立明说:"建设怎么样了,群众还有什么诉求,来到现场看了才放心。" 此前,陈立明发现一段水泥路厚度不达标,立马要求按标准重新浇筑。"落实就要严格执行标准,不能自行搞变通、打折扣!""

🔥 (#154) Dynamic logic and render functions

Hey! So many things to talk about today. VueJS Amsterdam VueJS Amsterdam is streaming right now and I'm sad I couldn't make it there this year! My Twitter feed is full of FOMO-inducing posts and it looks like a great time. Like I say every year: next year I'll be there! Deployment (not) Fun This week I'm doing the final polish and final push on getting the Reusable Components update out for next week (March 5th). I was running into some issues deploying an update for my course platform so I can support multiple courses. It ends up touching the entire checkout and authentication flow, so it's a big change and a risky one too. While it worked fine on my machine it wasn't cooperating in production. But I shouldn't have assumed it would — I've encountered problems like this before. It wasn't what I planned to do this week, but that&