
目前显示的是 七月 3, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 Olbermann calls on Biden to resign, making Harris the incumbent. # Somehow, even though I watched an hour of news on MSNBC last night, and was on all the social media all day, I didn't hear about Pelosi's comments, or the leaked poll data, until this morning. It wasn't until I looked at the synopsis of Olbermann's podcast that I learned that something had changed. For whatever reason, even though I have made a significant investment in time to stay informed, it isn't working. Fact. # If something like this happens and you haven't seen it in my linkblog, or on my blog's home page, please post a link to my Mastodon account . # I added links to my two new podcast feeds to the About page on Scripting News. Screen shot . # Linkblog items for the day. Meanwhile, Trump Amplifies Calls for Military Tribunals. politicalwire.com So many pundits make dumping Joe Biden look so very easy. editorialboard.co

APEX 24.1 Selectable Template Components

APEX 24.1 Selectable Template Components Jul 3, 2024 · 4 min read Introduction A common pattern in application development is allowing users to select one or more records and then perform some action based on the selection. I previously wrote how to do this with Interactive Grids: APEX Interactive Grid - Processing Selected Records . The solution in that post had a drawback: it involved quite a bit of custom JavaScript. In APEX 24.1, the APEX development team has made our lives easier by enhancing Template Components to support declarative row selection . 👉 This post will describe this new APEX 24.1 Template Component Row Selection feature. Example In this example, users can search for and select one or more customers to send a payment reminder. I have a simple table of customers ( CNQB_CUSTOMERS ) that have been integrated into APEX from Quickbooks. Configuration Template Component I created a simple Content Row Template Component based on a table of customers. Note

🔥 (#172) Component Metadata

Hey! I have the landing page for Nuxt Tips Collection set up now. If you want to make sure you don't miss any updates about it, go there to sign up . Soon, the first episode of DejaVue with Evan You comes out, so make sure you don't miss it . I'll also be continuing work on Vuedle in my weekly live-stream — changing the answer based on the day, deploying to my shiny new domain, vuedle.app , and more. 🔥 When should you use v-if? Instead of using v-if , it's sometimes more performant to use v-show instead: < ComplicatedChart v-show = "chartEnabled" /> When v-if is toggled on and off, it will create and destroy the element completely. Instead, v-show will create the element and leave it there, hiding it by setting its style to display: none . Doing this can be much more efficient if the component you're toggling is expensive to render. On the flip side, if you don't need that expensive component immed