Scripting News: Monday, July 22, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024 Show notes for 2004 pre-DNC podcast, part of the Podcast0 series. # For the DNC in 2004, we had a site called Convention Bloggers . It was a river of news feed reader, clearly done with Frontier, of blogs run by people who were at the convention. # I'm doing something new. Trying to initiate topics on the social web. We almost totally respond to external stuff, I wonder how different it would be if we engaged on a more individual level. I've been doing this for a while, but only now am able to explain it. # Looking forward to the NYT deeply analyzing Trump's 78 year old mind and body and his Hannibal Lecter stories. # I'm from Queens too # I grew up in the same part of Queens as Trump, about ten years after he did. His family was in Jamaica, mine in Flushing. Here's a map that shows you where the two houses are. 4.0 miles apart if you take Utopia Parkway . A great name for a street, but it's not a parkw...