Scripting News: Monday, September 25, 2023
Monday, September 25, 2023 When I write about EZ-Pass for News I often hear from entrepreneurs who have either tried the idea or want to try it. This is what I have learned and what I believe. No matter how enticing you make it the news industry will ignore you or fight you. It's possible a new network of news sites has to be formed, which is far beyond the scope of a startup wanting to explore a technical solution. It's not a technical problem. It's a bootstrap . A chicken and egg problem. If there were a network of local news orgs that wanted to band together to kick ass then they would need EZ-Pass for News. But it may not be possible to have EZ-Pass for News unless there is a critical mass of news and users. Bootstraps are delicate things, and startups are almost by definition indelicate things. ;-) # Many Gmail "accounts" from one # The other day I asked how to get nearly free and easy mail accounts. Turns out Gmail does it. # ...