Scripting News: Friday, October 11, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024 Summarizing the last 18 years on the web. Between Twitter and Google Reader, the web was cut into two, and they didn't get along. We may now be on the cusp of fixing that. Why? Because WordPress and Mastodon work with each other in unforeseen ways. We got lucky, because I don't think this was done consciously by the developers of either product. # The web lives in WordPress and Mastodon # I have a morning ritual which begins with breakfast and iced coffee, and my laptop, on the kitchen table, to review the news, sports, whatever. Write a few tweets or share a few links. Usually with WNYC playing in the background until I find something I want to read carefully, then I shout at Alexa to go away. When done, I head upstairs where the work begins, often with a blog post, as I'm writing now, and sometimes with a bit of code, but that usually waits until my brain is warmed up. # But today I had a different assignment. In...