
目前显示的是 十一月 26, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023 Watched Oppenheimer last night. Very good movie. I like the artistic flourishes, reminds me of another movie I watched recently and liked, a lot, Spencer . I wasn't really interested in the life and death of Lady Di, but I also got through the latest episodes of The Crown, which I had resisted when the newest Queen was introduced . I find it hard to make the adjustment to new actors playing the roles of characters I had come to love, esp Claire Foy as young Queen Elizabeth, a fantastic actress who played in one of the most spectacular dramatic scenes anywhere anytime. The latest episodes of The Crown were about Diana mostly, and were fantastic. Back to Oppenheimer. I'll try not to spoil it too much, but the drama is puzzling, why are they going after Oppenheimer when he miraculously put together the Manhattan Project which created, in a race with Germany and the USSR, the bomb that ended World War II. The final scene, a flashback to


OneNews 中央宣传部、退役军人事务部、中央军委政治工作部联合发布2023年度"最美退役军人"先进事迹 Nov 27, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京11月27日电 为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,全面贯彻习近平总书记关于退役军人工作重要论述,加大对退役军人典型挖掘、培养、宣传力度,褒扬彰显退役军人为党、国家和人民担当奉献的精神风范和价值导向,中央宣传部、退役军人事务部、中央军委政治工作部联合发布2023年度"最美退役军人"先进事迹。 新疆维吾尔自治区且末县老兵治沙队集体和王琦、裴树清等19名先进个人获得2023年度"最美退役军人"称号。 他们中有深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想的榜样,投身治沙造林,守护绿色生态;有扎根基层一线的先锋,真心实意为群众办实事、解难题;有勇攀科技高峰的模范,攻克前沿技术,为航天事业保驾护航;有致力于教育事业的典型,用爱和坚守点亮海岛孩子的梦……他们身上,体现了广大退役军人服务人民、奉献社会的价值理念,反映了退役不褪色、永远跟党走的忠诚品格,展现了爱国奋斗、岗位建功的昂扬风貌。 发布仪式现场采用视频展示、互动交流等形式,讲述"最美退役军人"先进事迹和工作生活感悟。中央宣传部、退役军人事务部和中央军委政治工作部负责同志为他们颁发证书。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

Set up virtual environment with Anaconda

Stephen's blog Set up virtual environment with Anaconda Nov 26, 2023 · 2 min read 🌐 What is a virtual environment? A virtual environment is a special directory for holding a specific version of Python and other modules. 🤔 Why do we need them? Creating a virtual environment prevents packages with different versions from interfering with each other. This prevents the dependencies from causing conflict issues that stop the app from operating smoothly. 🔄 Types of virtual environments venv - an inbuilt virtual environment tool from Python pipenv - the combination of pip and venv conda - an open-source tool for virtual environments (widely used for data science projects) Let's explore how to create a virtual environment using conda : 🚀 Setting up your virtual environment 1. Install conda 💻 You can download and install conda from the official Anaconda or Miniconda website 2. Navigate to a directory of your choice in the terminal 📂 cd replace_this_wit