
目前显示的是 十一月 8, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 Still not in writing mode. Lots of interesting stuff going on. I need to find a more comfortable chair. # Linkblog items for the day. Netherlands building own version of ChatGPT amid quest for safer AI. windowscopilot.news Artificial Intuition, not Artificial Intelligence. substack.com How Much Do Ozempic and Wegovy Cost? Not What You Think. nytimes.com Copyright 1994-2023 Dave Winer. This email was sent on: 11/9/2023, 12:00:02 AM Eastern. "You can't fight not-normal with normal." This blog has been running for: 29 years, 1 month, 1 day, 10 hours, 0 minutes, 2 seconds. How to subscribe . Read on the web . Click here to unsubscribe.


OneNews 习近平向2023年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会开幕式发表视频致辞 Nov 8, 2023 · 1 min read 11月8日上午,国家主席习近平向2023年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会开幕式发表视频致辞。 新华社记者 李学仁摄 ■2015年,我在第二届世界互联网大会开幕式上提出了全球互联网发展治理的"四项原则"、"五点主张",倡导构建网络空间命运共同体,这一理念得到国际社会广泛认同和积极响应。当今世界变乱交织,百年变局加速演进,如何解决发展赤字、破解安全困境、加强文明互鉴,是我们共同面临的时代课题。互联网日益成为推动发展的新动能、维护安全的新疆域、文明互鉴的新平台,构建网络空间命运共同体既是回答时代课题的必然选择,也是国际社会的共同呼声。我们要深化交流、务实合作,共同推动构建网络空间命运共同体迈向新阶段 ■我们倡导发展优先,构建更加普惠繁荣的网络空间。深化数字领域国际交流合作,加速科技成果转化。加快信息化服务普及,缩小数字鸿沟,在互联网发展中保障和改善民生,让更多国家和人民共享互联网发展成果 ■我们倡导安危与共,构建更加和平安全的网络空间。尊重网络主权,尊重各国的互联网发展道路和治理模式。遵守网络空间国际规则,不搞网络霸权。不搞网络空间阵营对抗和军备竞赛。深化网络安全务实合作,有力打击网络违法犯罪行为,加强数据安全和个人信息保护。妥善应对科技发展带来的规则冲突、社会风险、伦理挑战。中方愿同各方携手落实《全球人工智能治理倡议》,促进人工智能安全发展 ■我们倡导文明互鉴,构建更加平等包容的网络空间。加强网上交流对话,促进各国人民相知相亲,推动不同文明包容共生,更好弘扬全人类共同价值。加强网络文明建设,促进优质网络文化产品生产传播,充分展示人类优秀文明成果,积极推动文明传承发展,共同建设网上精神家园 ■信息革命时代潮流浩荡前行,网络空间承载着人类对美好未来的无限憧憬。让我们携起手来,构建网络空间命运共同体,让互联网更好造福世界各国人民,共同创造人类更加美好的未来 新华社北京11月8日电 11月8日上午,国家主席习近平向2023年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会开幕式发表视频致辞。 习近平指出,2015年,我在第二届世界互联网大会开幕式上提出了全球互联网发展治理的"四项原则"、&

🔥 (#138) h and Render Functions, the Hybrid API, and Template Refs

Hey all! Clean Components Toolkit will be launched on November 22! That's just two weeks away, so mark your calendar and don't forget. I'll be doing an awesome launch sale, so that will be the best time to get it. To celebrate, I've included a bonus tip and a bonus video where I give you a peek behind the curtain at how the code diffing and refactoring system works. It's a really cool use of Nuxt Content, and it took quite a bit for me to figure out — but it's totally worth it! Also, tomorrow is VueConf Toronto, so I'm laser focused on that this week. I'll make my slides available for you, so follow me on Twitter/X because that's where I'll be sharing them. As always, here are your tips! — Michael 🔥 (Bonus Video): Refactoring Steps Behind The Scenes This is maybe my favourite thing I've ever built with code. It lets me write in a custom