
目前显示的是 二月 13, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 The News tab on the Scripting News home page was set up to request the All category from my FeedLand account. I switched to Tech, it's a bit faster, and probably a better fit. Still looking for a performance issue. # If you're thinking it might be good if President Biden stepped aside for someone younger and nicer to look at, what you really want is President Biden to be younger and nicer looking, and of course he probably wouldn't mind that either. But, as Keith Olbermann spells out so well in his latest Countdown , if he were to step aside that would basically concede the election to Trump. So if you think the old man is being silly and vain, well, he's being a lot smarter than you are, and btw, paying a huge price. If you live to be 81, I bet the last thing you want to do, after the life he's had, is to be in this position. We should get behind him, and tell him so, let him know we don't want anyone else, and we


OneNews 北京"新两翼"发力齐飞(新时代画卷) Feb 13, 2024 · 1 min read 北京城市副中心三大文化设施。 市民在北京城市图书馆元宇宙体验馆内游玩。 北京艺术中心内景。 游客在北京大运河博物馆内拍照留念。 大运河森林公园。 远眺北京城市副中心行政办公区。 北京连通北三县的厂通路潮白河大桥将于今年完工。 工人在北京城市副中心站综合交通枢纽施工现场作业。 河北雄安新区金湖公园。 雄安北海幼儿园小朋友在教室里玩耍。 雄安城市计算中心外景。 中国科学院雄安创新研究院内,科研人员在测试自动驾驶设备。 雄安商务服务中心外景。 京雄城际铁路雄安站内的"千年轮"。 河北自贸试验区雄安片区交流展示中心。 雄安综合保税区外景。 京雄高速北京段标志性工程——京雄大桥。 2014年2月,以习近平同志为核心的党中央站在国家发展全局的高度,作出了推进京津冀协同发展这一重大决策。 规划建设北京城市副中心和河北雄安新区是推进京津冀协同发展的两项战略举措,两个新城,形成北京新的"两翼"。习近平总书记强调:"要推动北京'新两翼'建设取得更大突破。" 按照规划,北京城市副中心要努力建设国际一流的和谐宜居之都示范区、新型城镇化示范区和京津冀区域协同发展示范区;河北雄安新区要建设成为绿色生态宜居新城区、创新驱动发展引领区、协调发展示范区、开放发展先行区。北京"新两翼"建设正不断取得新进展,北京城市副中心高质量发展步伐加快,河北雄安新区建设取得重大阶段性成果。 "新两翼"发力齐飞。让我们以更加奋发有为的精神状态推进各项工作,北京"新两翼"建设必将取得更大突破。 ——编 者 北京城市副中心 和谐宜居之都 千年古都,大运河畔,"文化之光"闪耀。2023年12月27日,北京艺术中心、北京城市图书馆、北京大运河博物馆以融汇古今、功能多元之姿同日亮相北京城市副中心。 新一年,北京城市副中心将继续协同推进优质资源共建共享,让群众幸福感多起来。据了解,2024年,北京通州区将协同开展跨界流域综合治理和交界地区生态绿带建设,持续深化通武廊

Create a web scraping pipeline with Python using data contracts

Stephen's blog Create a web scraping pipeline with Python using data contracts Add data quality to each source layer for quality in, quality out Feb 13, 2024 · 24 min read Preface 💫 This is a practical end-to-end data pipeline demo to show what a data project incorporating data contracts looks like. We'll be scraping the Premier League table standings for the 2023/24 season, as of 13th February 2024 (the date this article is posted). The scraped data will be uploaded into Postgres database through multiple stages via data contracts, and then saved into AWS S3 programmatically. Pseudo-code 🧠 Here's a rough brain dump on the steps we want the program to follow: Check if we're allowed to scrape data from website Scrape the data if we're allowed to do so, otherwise find out if they have an API we can extract data from instead Check the scraped data is what we expect it to look like Transform the dataframe Check the transformation steps have shaped