Scripting News: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Today's podcast-zero episode is up. It's from June 14, 2004. It's 1/2 of a panel in 1991 that I was on with Bill Gates. This is before the turn to the web. At this point I'm starting to look around for audio that might fit into this new audio blog channel that goes with my written blog. # Technical note. I made a mistake in converting local time to GMT in the code that builds the feed. My times were off by four hours. So I corrected them. And now instead of three items in the feed, according to my own feed software, there are now six. I bet all the other systems will do the same thing because the guid is a function of the creation date of the item, and they changed. Oh well. At least the RSS version only has three items. I think I should change how the guid works. # Here's a game you can play. Every time you think "good" immediately say "gouda." For some reason it's funny. # I asked ChatGPT to...