
目前显示的是 九月 20, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 We need a Node.js package that lets you add the contents of a file to the ChatGPT database, along with a URL where the content of that file can be found on the web. It has to be that simple. Based on what Google announced yesterday, and what Facebook is likely to announce this week, it's clear that the big tech companies are only going to allow you to access your data if it's stored in their silos. We need something just as powerful and easy that works with content on the open web. # BTW, I had to try the Bard feature that lets you ask questions about your Gmail. As you might imagine there's some very personal stuff in there. As a matter of policy I do not write about that kind of stuff on my blog, but mama mia it's pretty amazing what it will report on. # Linkblog items for the day. Seth Godin offers practical advice about using ChatGPT. seths.blog "A nerd tells a joke in a nightclub seated at a t


OneNews 在壮丽大道上阔步前进——"八八战略"实施20周年大型主题展览引起热烈反响 Sep 20, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社杭州9月20日电 题:在壮丽大道上阔步前进——"八八战略"实施20周年大型主题展览引起热烈反响 新华社记者邬焕庆、方问禹、顾小立、张晓洁 金秋时节,之江大地热情涌动。浓郁的亚运氛围中,"大道之行——'八八战略'实施20周年大型主题展览"9月8日起隆重举办。 2003年7月,时任浙江省委书记习近平提出,要进一步发挥八个方面的优势、推进八个方面的举措,即"八八战略",指引浙江走出改革创新开放图强之路。 在壮丽大道上阔步前进。连日来,浙江干部群众踊跃观展,领悟思想内涵、感受真理伟力,汲取接续奋进的精神力量与实践指引。 "八八战略"引领之江大地精彩蝶变 曾经河道污浊的小山村如今嵌在绿水青山里,木板随意搭建的旱厕变成了青瓦黄墙的卫生间,农村水塘边有了亲水平台、层层梯田…… 一图胜千言。透过相同视角的对比图,杭州市淳安县枫树岭镇下姜村、杭州市桐庐县荻浦村、金华义乌市李祖村、丽水市云和县滩下村的山乡巨变一目了然。 2020年3月29日至4月1日,习近平总书记在浙江考察时强调,"绿水青山就是金山银山"理念已经成为全党全社会的共识和行动,成为新发展理念的重要组成部分。实践证明,经济发展不能以破坏生态为代价,生态本身就是经济,保护生态就是发展生产力。 "发展变化看得见、摸得着,指引老百姓自觉践行绿色发展理念!"来自浙江湖州、经营一家民宿的参观者吴丽华说。 题为"一个新鲜概念"的展板写道:2002年11月,"生态省"这个词第一次出现在浙江干部群众面前,为未来的浙江发展打下了绿色的底色。 2003年7月,"八八战略"提出进一步发挥浙江的生态优势,创建生态省,打造"绿色浙江"。 蓝图照进现实。2019年,浙江通过国家生态省建设试点验收,建成全国首个生态省。 在杭州半山脚下,曾经的"十里钢城"转型成为发展数字经济的热土:浙江云计算数据中心厂房内近3万台服务器日夜

“My Top 5 Tips for using Pinia” + 6 more top Vue.js articles and resources


🔥 (#131) Contextually Aware Quiz Components

Hey! This week I've got some extra content for you, from the Clean Components Toolkit (in addition to your regular weekly dose of tips). I've been working hard on adding tools to solve how we organize logic in our apps. It's not enough to know how to split components up. We also need to know how to simplify and organize the logic within those components effectively. Luckily, the Composition API opens up a whole lot of possibilities for us! But don't worry, if you're still using the Options API, there are ways to incrementally opt-in that aren't too painful (we covered that last week). Have an awesome week! — Michael 🔥 Contextually Aware Quiz Components (Bonus Video) I recorded a short video to go through how I implemented the quiz functionality in the Clean Components Toolkit. Here, I use one of my favourite patterns, Contextually Aware Components. They're sor