
目前显示的是 一月 11, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024 Ideas for Reading Lists # A reading list is a list of feeds you can subscribe to. # The author of the list can add or remove feeds. When they do, people who subscribe to the list are subscribed to the new feeds and unsubbed from the ones that leave. # Reading lists are not a new topic, I and others have been writing about them for years. But they've not been used seriously in the past because they weren't widely supported in feed readers. FeedLand , my latest feed manager, has reading list support built-in. And we're serious about starting new communities of feeds and users with this feature. # If you're a feed reader user, you probably know about using OPML to move your subscriptions from one app to another, or to share lists with friends. # Reading lists take it one step further, you can subscribe to a reading list, so you can control one app from another. # Say I had a reading list with my

24 hours left!

Hey! I wanted to make sure you know that the 35% launch discount ends in 24 hours. You still have some time to get the book and save some of your hard-earned money: ​ https://michaelnthiessen.com/vue-tips-collection ​ — Michael Unsubscribe | 8 Queen St N, Kitchener, ON N2H2G8

What's new in the second edition of Vue Tips Collection?

I've been getting this question a lot from those of you who loved the first edition. What exactly is different about this one — should you buy this one as well? In short — almost all of it . If you loved the first edition, you'll love the second edition even more. Here's what's new: 47 brand new tips not in the first edition — that's nearly 40% of the book! 71 tips completely rewritten and updated to include both the Composition API and Options API (where necessary) — completely updated for 2024 Professionally designed and typeset for a better reading experience Printed in small batches locally in Canada 🇨🇦 to ensure the highest quality. The first edition was print-on-demand, and while convenient, it wasn't as nice as I would have liked. You can find out more here: Vue Tips Collection (Second Edition) ​ — Michael Unsubscribe | 8 Queen St N, Kitchener,

推动美丽中国目标一步步变为现实——生态环境部有关负责人就《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进美丽中国建设的意见》答记者问

OneNews 推动美丽中国目标一步步变为现实——生态环境部有关负责人就《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进美丽中国建设的意见》答记者问 Jan 11, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京1月11日电 题:推动美丽中国目标一步步变为现实——生态环境部有关负责人就《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进美丽中国建设的意见》答记者问 新华社记者 《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进美丽中国建设的意见》1月11日发布。意见出台的背景是什么?提出了哪些重点任务?记者就此采访了生态环境部有关负责人。 问:意见出台的背景是什么? 答:当前,我国经济社会发展已进入加快绿色化、低碳化的高质量发展阶段,生态文明建设仍处于压力叠加、负重前行的关键期,生态环境保护结构性、根源性、趋势性压力尚未根本缓解,资源压力较大、环境容量有限、生态系统脆弱的国情没有改变,经济社会发展绿色转型内生动力不足,生态环境质量稳中向好的基础还不牢固,污染物和碳排放总量仍居高位,部分区域生态系统退化趋势尚未根本扭转,美丽中国建设任务依然艰巨。迈向全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,需要保持加强生态文明建设的战略定力,坚定不移走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美好家园。 意见提出到2027年和到2035年美丽中国建设的主要目标、重大任务和重大改革举措,这对于统筹产业结构调整、污染治理、生态保护、应对气候变化,协同推进降碳、减污、扩绿、增长,以高品质生态环境支撑高质量发展,加快形成以实现人与自然和谐共生现代化为导向的美丽中国建设新格局,筑牢中华民族伟大复兴的生态根基具有重大意义。 问:意见提出的美丽中国建设目标是什么? 答:在主要目标方面,锚定三个时间节点目标要求:到2027年,绿色低碳发展深入推进,主要污染物排放总量持续减少,生态环境质量持续提升,国土空间开发保护格局得到优化,生态系统服务功能不断增强,城乡人居环境明显改善,国家生态安全有效保障,生态环境治理体系更加健全,形成一批实践样板,美丽中国建设成效显著。到2035年,广泛形成绿色生产生活方式,碳排放达峰后稳中有降,生态环境根本好转,国土空间开发保护新格局全面形成,生态系统多样性稳定性持续性显著提升,国家生态安全更加稳固,生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化基本实现,美丽中国目标基本实现。展望本世纪中叶,生

Master Vue in only 5 minutes a day (35% off for 48 hours)

You begin your code review and come across some new syntax in Vue. After some searching, you realize… it isn't new. It's been in the framework for over a year! "Why didn't I know about this?" "How did my co-worker find out about this before me?" But it's not just this new syntax. You begin to wonder what else you might be missing out on: New features like $ref that can simplify your code. Or obscure — but useful — features that you completely forgot existed, like v-memo and building custom directives beyond v-for and v-if Tricks to get more out of Vue — things like recursive slots, configuration-driven templates, and the Base Component pattern. Ideas that you already know, but are easy to forget — like using multiple v-models that would have been perfect on that feature you shipped two weeks ago. Too bad you didn't remember it existed back then! I