
目前显示的是 一月 27, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday, January 27, 2024 A fundamental law of the internet says that social situations are nice at first then become shitty as trolls take over. # When people say we should walk away from Twitter because the owner is a Nazi, well -- are they willing to stop using products from all companies that are owned by Nazis? I bet that would be pretty hard to do. If you add in racists I think you'd be totally out of luck. The people who own the businesses we depend on by and large are pretty awful people. Also I go to NYC even though there are Nazis there (esp Queens and Staten Island). And Twitter has far more users than NYC has citizens. That gives you a sense of how foolish this idea of boycotting Twitter is. And one more thing -- if you're posting about this need to vote with your feet, you should get your ass off Threads because it's really Facebook, and remember you're a very high-minded person, right? # Imho, whether you or I use Twitter makes absolut


OneNews 全国妇联在京启动"爱暖万家"公益行动 Jan 27, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京1月27日电(记者黄玥)全国妇联、中国妇女发展基金会"爱暖万家"公益行动启动暨新春慰问活动27日在北京门头沟区举行。 活动中,全国妇联为"爱心妈妈"关爱队伍授旗,并向困难家庭代表赠送了母亲邮包暖心包和新春关爱礼包。党员干部走进社区参加寒假儿童关爱服务活动。 在门头沟区城子街道文化中心开展的"爱暖万家"公益行动亲子活动中,门头沟区消防救援支队的消防员给小朋友们上了一堂安全教育课,让他们学习了解防火、灭火、疏散逃生等消防安全知识。家长和小朋友们还共同开展亲子阅读、剪窗花等活动。 据介绍,"爱暖万家"公益行动将通过组织培训,提升"爱心妈妈"关爱队伍的专业服务能力;通过为困难家庭提供心理关爱、生活帮助、安全保护等结对关爱服务,促进建设和谐的家庭关系,共同为困难家庭营造安全、温暖的社会环境。2024年这项行动将在全国50个县落地实施。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode