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Scripting News: Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday, October 16, 2023 You may notice that news.scripting.com is faster at loading tabs. # Podcasting -- textcasting, artcasting, codecasting -- why should we only have tight standards for content in audio. Why not everything. Interestingly we're really close with art. That was the point of my comment yesterday. # One of the big themes of my life as a boomer is why did the Beatles have to break up? How much better our lives would have been if they had kept creating like the Rolling Stones have. Of course the Stones are the outliers, most of the great bands of the 60s and early 70s stopped creating a long time ago. Or at least that we're aware of. Anyway, I never really got it until I read this piece about the Beatles songs John Lennon hated. In that piece Harrison is quoted talking about how McCartney made them work on Maxwell's Silver Hammer for weeks. I mostly am with McCartney that there's nothing wrong with silly love songs , but I find MSH


OneNews 治水,从"战略"到"笃行" Oct 16, 2023 · 1 min read 水运连着国运。一部泱泱大国的治国史,也是一部百折不挠的治水史。 回顾党的十八大以来,习近平总书记看得最多的,"水"是主题之一。而通览区域协调发展战略,除了以京津冀、粤港澳大湾区等以地域视角分类,还有便是以长江、黄河这样的水系来统领。 为何是水?山水林田湖草沙,"水是命根子",是生存之本、文明之源。"天下之多者水也,浮天载地,高下无所不至,万物无所不润。" 习近平总书记这次到江西考察,主要是看长江经济带发展,并主持召开了近8年内以此为主题的第四次座谈会。会上,回顾发展历程,总书记有感而发: "党的十八大以来党中央抓工作,一方面是抓战略性工作,也就是'国之大者',而这些工作都是有较长周期的。另一方面,我们不仅抓战略,还要起而行之,笃行不怠,一以贯之,久久为功。不是说规划完了就算完了,不是说只喊口号没有行动。我们都是一件件做,全面系统布局。做就要做好它,完成它。""党的十八大之后我们抓工作,就是这个精神!" 两个词,一是"战略",二是"笃行"。 先说"战略"。 那一年,习近平总书记到了山东东营,"看黄河入海流"。黄河上中下游都走到了,"心里也踏实了"。 善治国者必重治水。各项工作时间的分配,是观察治国理政的一个窗口。花大量时间去看水的深层逻辑,正是人民幸福生活是"国之大者"的执政理念。 水里有战略思想。 最广为人知的是"绿水青山就是金山银山"。"两山论"现在深入人心,不再"以GDP论英雄"。从非此即彼的单选题到相得益彰的多选题,其中蕴含着深刻辩证法,充满了战略远见。 总书记所说的"有多少汤泡多少馍",也是一种战略。它是"以水定城、以水定地、以水定人、以水定产"的生动表达,背后有"节水优先、空间均衡、系统治理、两手发力"的治水思路。

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