Scripting News: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 I'm watching the HBO series The Newsroom from 2012, it's an Aaron Sorkin show. It's fairly insipid, but for some reason I keep watching. They have a multi-episode controversy as they go crazy trying to source a rumor they've heard that the US bombed a town in the Middle East with sarin gas, and killed a lot of people. In other words they committed a war crime. Turns out they were set up by multiple people, and they went through all kinds of angst over who should resign and who should be fired, and how they would ever regain the trust of the viewers. It is a Sorkin thing so it is by definition overdone, but in the context of today's NYT and CNN and all the other schlock "news" that reports Trump's ever-more-egrious lies not only without fact checking, but knowing for sure the lies are coming. That this has happened to American "journalism" is worse than a war crime. It's what everyone told us ...