
目前显示的是 三月 22, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024 Back in the 80s before many of you were born, you could buy a word processing program, which was basically a text editor, and you could use it to write and then when it came time to send that writing to other people, you would print it. And get this the printer could take its input from any of those writing tools. There were no tiny little text boxes . The printers didn't come with their own editors, you had choice and therefore there was lots of competition. Amazing, right? # What if climate change comes to where you live in the form of tornadoes that last 30 days. # If only Brendan Eich had incorporated UCSD Pascal units into JavaScript. It was easy to make modular reusable bits of code. # Broken images suck, Google # Something the HTTPS evangelists must not understand: there's substantial breakage when you convert an HTTP site to HTTPS. Every image in every page breaks. Broken images make a statement , they're li


OneNews 国家网信办公布《促进和规范数据跨境流动规定》 Mar 22, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京3月22日电 国家互联网信息办公室22日公布《促进和规范数据跨境流动规定》。规定明确了重要数据出境安全评估申报标准,明确了免予申报数据出境安全评估、订立个人信息出境标准合同、通过个人信息保护认证的数据出境活动条件,设立自由贸易试验区负面清单制度。 国家互联网信息办公室有关负责人表示,数据跨境流动已经成为全球资金、信息、技术、人才、货物等资源要素交换、共享的基础。为了促进数据依法有序自由流动,激发数据要素价值,扩大高水平对外开放,规定对数据出境安全评估、个人信息出境标准合同、个人信息保护认证等数据出境制度作出优化调整。 规定提出,数据处理者应当按照相关规定识别、申报重要数据。未被相关部门、地区告知或者公开发布为重要数据的,数据处理者不需要作为重要数据申报数据出境安全评估。 规定明确了应当申报数据出境安全评估的两类数据出境活动条件:一是关键信息基础设施运营者向境外提供个人信息或者重要数据;二是关键信息基础设施运营者以外的数据处理者向境外提供重要数据,或者自当年1月1日起累计向境外提供100万人以上个人信息(不含敏感个人信息)或者1万人以上敏感个人信息。 规定自公布之日起施行。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode