
目前显示的是 七月 29, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saturday, July 29, 2023 Today's song: Sax and Violins . # In 2015, the year the Mets won the National League title, I saw a friend who I knew was a Yankees fan wearing a Mets hat, and asked about it. He said we've always liked the Mets, it's Mets fans we don't like. I thought that wsa pretty good, esp for a Yankees fan. I doubted he ever had actually been a Yankees fan. # Social media is a moral parade. # Must've been a good one # Wonder what the joke was. # Linkblog items for the day. When big tech companies say they love open formats and protocols, that means they're launching something new and they're just saying that so you relax about their intentions, which haven't actually changed at all. scripting.com "It's truly a hat trick to announce your ethics can't be scrutinized in an interview it was unethical to give in the first place." talkingpointsmemo.com John Fetterman


OneNews 推动新时代治蜀兴川再上新台阶 奋力谱写中国式现代化四川新篇章 Jul 29, 2023 · 1 min read 7月25日至27日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在四川考察。这是25日下午,习近平在广元市剑阁县翠云廊考察。 新华社记者 谢环驰摄 7月25日至27日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在四川考察。这是26日下午,习近平在位于德阳市广汉市的三星堆博物馆文物保护与修复馆,同现场工作人员亲切交流。 新华社记者 谢环驰摄 showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/7/29/95a54728-7a78-44a9-b5ff-4def145cbb00.xml",width:600,height:371,autoplay:0}); ■全面学习贯彻党的二十大精神,要牢牢把握新时代新征程党的中心任务,牢牢把握中国式现代化的科学内涵和本质要求,牢牢把握高质量发展这个首要任务,把贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局、促进共同富裕贯穿经济社会发展各方面全过程,深入推进发展方式、发展动力、发展领域、发展质量变革,开创我国高质量发展新局面。四川要进一步从全国大局把握自身的战略地位和战略使命,立足本地实际,明确发展思路和主攻方向,锻长板、补短板,努力在提高科技创新能力、建设现代化产业体系、推进乡村振兴、加强生态环境治理等方面实现新突破,推动新时代治蜀兴川再上新台阶,奋力谱写中国式现代化四川新篇章 ■抓生态文明建设必须搭建好制度框架,抓好制度执行,同时充分调动广大人民群众的积极性主动性创造性,巩固发展新时代生态文明建设成果 ■三星堆遗址考古成果在世界上是叫得响的,展现了四千多年前的文明成果,为中华文明多元一体、古蜀文明与中原文明相互影响等提供了更为有力的考古实证。文物保护修复是一项长期任务,要加大国家支持力度,加强人才队伍建设,发扬严谨细致的工匠精神,一件一件来,久久为功,做出更大成绩 ■以科技创新开辟发展新领域新赛道、塑造发展新动能新优势,是大势所趋,也是高质量发展的迫切要求,必须依靠创新特别是科技创新实现动力变革和动能转换。四川要发挥高校和科研机构众多、创新人才集聚的优势和产业体系较为完善、产业基础雄厚的优势,在科技创新和科技成果转化上同时发力。要完善科技

【原创】永久免费的 Minecraft 资源搜索引擎【新!】

 永久地址:https://cdn0.pages.dev/s/ 注意事项 所有链接 直接 指向目标网站,理应不存在中间跳转页面! 目前已迁移搜索站点到 CloudFlare Pages, 源: cdn0.pages.dev/s 网站搜索结果一般不指向与 Minecraft 无关的网站,如有此类现象务必请联系我! 尽管我们尽我们所能屏蔽了搜索页广告,但也请你务必安装一个广告过滤器! 限制:日最大搜索量:100 / IP,超限请联系我获得豁免资格(仅限研究)

Scripting News: Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Manton Reece writes that we should welcome Facebook's new cage fighting platform, not block it. I'm neutral. I don't know what it is. I seriously doubt it'll be exciting. And I think they should stop calling themselves Meta, that's stupid and dishonest. They're Facebook. They need to own that, because it's their actual name. # I am celebrating the imminent arrival of Facebook's thing, whatever it is, by buying a domain . It's what I do. Some people collect shoes. Other people classic cars or vinyl records. # My friend Doc # Doc is about to lose his Harvard blog, and he's stuck in California with too much to do and is afraid it will slip through is fingers if he has to prioritize his time so as not to be able to save it. I wrote him this email. # A perfect storm. # I had something smaller happen when I was moving out of my house in Berkeley in 2010. # My server was

Announcing Tebex Offers


Private Networking General Availability, Plans Updates Next Week

Private Networking General Availability, Plans Updates Next Week It's Friday and you know what that means! Here's a summary of the stuff we shipped this week  ‌ ‌ ‌  Changelog Time! It's Friday and you know what that means! Here's a summary of the stuff we shipped this week: Private Networking Generally Available New Plans Next Week Improvements and Fixes Read the changelog You can reply to this email with thoughts/feedback on the changes

Scripting News: Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday, July 1, 2023 Our challenge is to make sure the really interesting stuff happens on the open web, outside the silos. If that happens we can go on. Otherwise we go right back to where we were when Twitter and Facebook dominated. Not a good place. 17 years of stagnation. # As with most online services, there's a virtually impenetrable wall between users and the people who run Bluesky. Has to be that way. There are hundreds of thousands of us, maybe tens of them. They're having trouble keeping the system running. As I dig in more on Bluesky, not because I'm getting married to the platform, btw -- more friends reach out and ask for help getting an invite code. It isn't about Bluesky though, it's just that we got the feeds up there first, so there's a way I can build. Ultimately my goal is to build a layer on top of all the social nets I can, so it doesn't matter which service you use, the stuff I create can make it

:Scripting News: Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sunday, July 2, 2023 I'm starting to think about writing a validator for the W3C's feed validator. A validator-validator. I'd submit my feed to it via a web service (not sure if they have an API), and if that feed doesn't validate with the W3C validator, and we believe it is valid per the RSS 2.0 spec, we would open an issue on their repo. Maybe if they want to be really cooperative, they could run the test feeds against their validator whenever they make an update as part of the validation process, and never release a version where those feeds didn't validate. This would allay my concern about them breaking RSS because they don't respect or understand the RSS 2.0 roadmap . I'd start with the Scripting News RSS feed, which does validate at this time . BTW, their warnings are bogus imho. They should recognize the Source namespace not warn me about it. A copyright statement can and should be able to have a © character. Wh

Scripting News: Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023 A simple Node app periodically checks if a feed still validates with the W3C service. You can modify it to check feeds you care about. # New FeedLand feature # When you're viewing a feed list, like this , when a feed updates, instead of inserting it at the top and forcing everything down, it displays a button. Click the button to see the new stuff. # View updated feeds button. # We already had a similar feature on timeline pages. # Hearts of stone # When big tech companies say they love open formats and protocols, that means they're launching something new and they're just saying that so you relax about their intentions, which haven't actually changed at all. # That's why I say if they really want to prove their love for the open web, if they aren't just trying to lull us to sleep while they steal yet another market from the open web, they should do something that hel

Fw:Unlike dollars, there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin

Unlike dollars, there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - zero." -Voltaire, 1694-1778 The history of fiat money (ie. money issued by government decree) shows that governments consistently increase supply far beyond demand. This invariably leads to devaluation of the currency over time, something that we experience as inflation . Looking at some examples: The U.S. dollar has lost 96% of its value since 1913 The euro has lost 40% of its value since 1997 The pound has lost 99.602% of its value since 1751   "It's going to be very hard to unseat bitcoin as a store of value, because it's got a 14-year brand, and there's a finite supply." Billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller While fiat currencies have no upper limit to their supply, Bitcoin's supply limit is set in stone at 21 million coins, over 90% of which are already in circulation. Meanwhile, Bitcoin's value has increased dramatical