
目前显示的是 九月 22, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday, September 22, 2023 Graceland : "Losing love is like a window in your heart." # Tease: We have WordPress verbs in Drummer, and they work. Only web Drummer for now, not in Electric Drummer yet. # When I was a kid I used to think how most of the stars of really old movies were dead. How far removed from my existence. I was watching a clip of Pee Wee Herman and realize he was just as dead as Lucille Ball, Raymond Burr, Judy Garland, Jim Nabors, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe. For that matter he's just as dead as Ben Franklin. # Oh that awful feeling when you come up with a term you know is going to catch on and the domain is available. # I have a local friend who went to my high school so we have an important cultural reference point, and a local friend who was raised a few blocks from where I grew up , another strong cultural reference point. We can converse about many things without explaining because we started from th


OneNews 国务院安委办、应急管理部调度部署中秋国庆假期安全防范工作 Sep 22, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京9月22日电(记者周圆、王聿昊)国务院安委办、应急管理部22日视频调度近期安全防范工作,要求深入推进重大事故隐患专项排查整治2023行动,抓紧抓实中秋国庆假期安全防范和杭州亚运会消防安保工作,坚决防范遏制重特大事故发生。 应急管理部负责人表示,当前经济社会发展正在快速全面恢复,企业生产经营、重大项目建设、群众出行出游势头活跃,即将到来的中秋国庆假期,探亲流、旅游流交织叠加,安全防范将面临更大的压力。 该负责人指出,各地区各有关部门要有针对性加强风险研判、督导检查,要精准把握节日特点,提早行动全力防控公共安全风险;要扎实推进专项排查整治行动,紧盯矿山、危化、工贸等重点行业领域,突出防控重特大事故,严防节日期间企业安全责任失守;依法依规对特殊行业、重点领域实行全覆盖的重点监管;要点面结合严密防控,紧盯关键环节和重点区域,强化网格防控和群防群治,坚决确保杭州亚运会等重大活动安保"万无一失"。 此外,还要毫不放松抓好秋冬季防灾减灾救灾工作,加强野外施工作业和生产经营安全管理,抓好森林防灭火工作,加快推进受灾地区居民住房等修复和重建,保障群众基本生活。同时,国家综合性消防救援队伍和各类专业救援队伍要时刻保持应急状态,前置救援力量,一旦发生险情全力投入抢险救援。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode