
目前显示的是 八月 9, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Sorry for the paucity of posts in the last few days. I've been moving around NYC in the heat, riding Citibikes and enjoying the change of pace. I will be back home by the end of the week and the normal posting may resume then, Murphy-willing. Meanwhile everything is fine. # I remember my first trip to Silicon Valley in 1979. Drove around for 30 years trying to find it. Never did. 😄 # Linkblog items for the day. Robbie Robertson, Guitarist and Songwriter With the Band, Dies at 80. nytimes.com The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show. youtube.com A Five-Alarm Fire for the Pro-Life Movement. politicalwire.com Doc's three Harvard blogs have been restored by Automattic. searls.com 500-Year-Old Incan Ice Mummies That Are Both Haunting and Fascinating. hasanjasim.online Everybody's in show biz, it doesn't matter who you are. youtu.be The Fear Of AI Just Killed A Very Useful Tool. techdirt.com

闻汛而动 分秒必争——党政军和社会各界组织北京防汛抗洪救灾速描

OneNews 闻汛而动 分秒必争——党政军和社会各界组织北京防汛抗洪救灾速描 Aug 9, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京8月9日电 题:闻汛而动 分秒必争——党政军和社会各界组织北京防汛抗洪救灾速描 新华社记者 截至8月7日,北京受特大暴雨灾害影响的256个断路村全部具备应急通车条件。 截至8月8日18时,除异地安置的9个村外,其余全部村已恢复供电;除异地安置的5个村外,其余全部村已恢复供水;342个此前通信中断的村子全部恢复通信…… 受台风"杜苏芮"影响,7月29日20时至8月2日7时,北京出现极端强降雨天气,西部、西南部、南部迎来特大暴雨。 大雨倾盆,险情接连。连日来,在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,解放军和武警部队、消防、医卫、通信保障、交通等驰援保障队伍日夜兼程、奋勇冲锋,全力搜救失联、被困人员,千方百计运送保障物资,抢修交通、通信、电力等受损基础设施,争分夺秒打通抢险救援"生命通道"。 8月2日,在北京市房山区的京港澳高速琉璃河出口,受灾群众乘坐冲锋舟前往转运车辆乘车点。新华社记者任超 摄 闻汛而动 吹响"战斗号角" 自7月29日傍晚,北京先后发布暴雨红色预警、雷电黄色预警和大风蓝色预警,启动全市防汛红色(一级)预警响应。29日夜间开始,北京地区出现极端强降雨。 雨声就是哨声,汛情就是命令。党中央、国务院高度重视,北京市和各有关部门凝心聚力、众志成城,全力保障人民群众生命财产安全和社会大局稳定。 强降雨之初,北京各界提前响应,第一时间行动,在全市落实防汛抢险队伍3100余支、20余万人,抢险救灾力量连续作战、昼夜值守,大量受灾被困群众被安全疏散或转移安置。 7月29日中午,北京排水集团启动防汛特级响应。集团防汛指挥部各级人员到岗指挥,各分指相关人员到岗,所有水厂及泵站人员全部在岗值守。 为应对强降雨,北京市要求严格落实"在岗、在职、在责、在状态"汛期值班值守工作要求,各部门严阵以待,对地铁口、低洼院落、道路积水点、危旧房屋、隐患树木、下凹式立交桥、地下通道、拆迁地、建筑工地、山区及河道两侧等重点部位进行提前布控。 7月30日,北京全市所有景区关闭。31日,北京市水文总站发布洪水红色预警。当日,水利部海河水利委员会根据相关标准

“Debugging Magic with Vue Devtools” + 6 more must-read Vue.js related resources


🔥 (#125) Smelly Composables

Hey there! My journey with Clean Components continues, but it looks like I'll be launching it in early September! I've got summer holidays and more work to do yet, so I'll get you a specific date as we get closer. My focus throughout has been on helping you solve your most important and immediate problems with writing great Vue components, without wasting your time . The lazy approach to making courses and content is to just throw everything in, and keep adding and adding and hoping it all combines to something great. I hate this, and I try to avoid this (but I don't always succeed). It's unfair to you. This approach puts all of the work on you to figure out what's important and what's not. Instead, I spent nearly two months just doing research for this course. Figuring out what your biggest problems and pain points were, and then figuring out solutions that are simple