
目前显示的是 八月 2, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 Today's song: Here Comes the Sun . # I am not a lawyer, but it seems the indictment against Trump is elegant and right to the point. As president he ruled like an autocrat, with contempt for the most American idea, that we pick our own leaders. So the jury will be asked to decide if he should go to jail for being an autocratic president. In other words, will the system validate itself. It's like asking a program to decide if it's functioning correctly. If the validator works, it should reject any argument that Trump makes. Sorry, you're going to jail because you tried to rob us of our right as citizens to replace you with Joe Biden. It's pure, brilliant, gets right to the heart of the matter. Is our system of voting real, do we choose the president, or does our system crumble when it's violated by its top official. Finally we're asking the right question, making the correct accusation. And if it's decided the w

以督查式调研推动工作落实见效(学思想 强党性 重实践 建新功)

OneNews 以督查式调研推动工作落实见效(学思想 强党性 重实践 建新功) Aug 3, 2023 · 1 min read 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育开展以来,国家信访局认真学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,坚持以学促干,把开展督查式调研作为推动信访工作高质量发展的重要抓手。信访系统通过督查式调研,督促化解大量信访突出问题,推动党中央信访工作决策部署落地落实。 提高政治站位,对标对表党中央决策部署抓调研—— 主题教育中,国家信访局和各地信访部门坚持党中央信访工作决策部署到哪里、督查调研就跟进到哪里,推动决策部署落地落实。 "把领导干部接访下访作为深化信访问题源头治理的有力抓手,针对较为突出的重点领域信访问题,要全部实行领导干部包案,从政策层面推动问题成批解决……"日前,国家信访局调研组来到浙江省金华市浦江县,围绕"浦江经验"的传承发扬情况开展督查式调研。 主题教育中,国家信访局把推动落实习近平总书记关于信访工作重要指示批示精神作为首要政治任务:坚持和发扬新时代"枫桥经验",推动信访问题源头治理;深入调研总结"浦江经验",印发学习运用"浦江经验"推动领导干部接访下访通知,与浙江联合召开"浦江经验"交流会;督查调研《信访工作条例》落实情况,推动向有关部委交办典型信访积案…… 创新方式方法,采取强有力措施促落实—— 突出"深、实、细、准、效"。国家信访局和各地信访部门在督查式调研中结合工作实际创新形式,压实各方责任,推动决策部署落地落实。 不久前,内蒙古自治区某市市民辛先生通过网上领导信箱进行信访投诉,反映某地道路路灯数量少、夜晚光线昏暗,不利于附近车辆行人安全出行。 收到该信访事项后,信访部门高度重视,第一时间受理并交办至属地信访局,多次督促指导,并协调有关部门实地调查、研究施工方案。很快,该道路路灯建设项目全面完成,切实解决了涉及群众安全出行的问题。 调研前,走好网上群众路线,注意通过网上信访等途径,全方位、多渠道了解群众心声;调研中,开展随机检查《信访工作条例》落实情况、随机抽查领导干部接访下访情况、随机暗访来访接待场所、随机接待来访群众、随

“Unit Testing a Pinia Component” + 6 more must-read Vue.js related articles


🔥 (#124) Building a (Totally) Unnecessary If/Else Component in Vue

Hey! Today I've got a super fun article for you — at least, I had tons of fun writing it. I was hoping to publish this one several weeks ago, but my blog had other ideas. Now, it's fully converted over to Nuxt 3 and I can finally publish this one for you! Go check it out: Building a (Totally) Unnecessary If/Else Component in Vue There are still a ton of things I'd like to fix up and optimize on the blog, so if you notice anything please let me know! Now I can return my focus to Clean Components. Hopefully I'll have some more news for you on that front in the next week or so, assuming that no other emergencies come up 😅. Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the article and these tips! — Michael Vue Tips Collection Maybe you just want to stay on top of the latest features, remind yourself of interesting things Vue can do, and get daily inspiration. Vue Tips Collection is