Scripting News: Sunday, March 17, 2024
Sunday, March 17, 2024 Through it all, remains my most popular site. # It's so funny, the editor of Wordle on a podcast on Friday, 1000th puzzle day, said there are some puzzles that you might not solve in six moves not because of skill rather because of luck. I was pretty sure when I took my second guess, but that's just when the cursing started. By the third guess I thought she's screwing with us! I should not have listened to the podcast. # We have a 140-char limit , but offer an effortless way to see more. # On Mastodon : I've done this before, starting 25 years ago. Find some new connection I can make because someone was wise enough to add an RSS interface. I get to have an aha! moment and a good laugh at how great this is and then write a freaking blog post about it, and people think man this web thing is pretty cool. # Note to self , make a Chrome extension for my blogroll. # On this day in 1999 . Not much happened ...