Scripting News: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 I wrote a few blog posts in WordLand this morning because it was convenient. It's good the same way I like to use a twitter-like app to write first drafts, when all I have to type into is my iPad. I've also started using it on my desktop for short things, but I just wrote and edited a complete blog post , a response to something Krugman wrote , about how gambling is destroying sports. And what for? It's like what Marge said at the end of Fargo. "There's more to life than a little money, you know." It feels like they're feeding the NBA into a wood chipper . What comes out the other side won't imho be recognizable as sport. And here you are, and it's a beautiful day. # Welcome to a brand new year. The best one ever. 😄 # I've archived December in the GitHub repo, in OPML , as usual. # I've got so much new stuff stacked up, on its way out. Hold onto your hats. # Linkblog items...