
目前显示的是 二月 12, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024 The best SuperBowl ad according to my stringent quality standards was Reese's Peanut Butter Cups , proving that comedy isn't hard, just have people reacting to stupid stuff in ridiculous self-destructive ways. Physical comedy for some reasons is ROTFL funny. They can do this because everyone knows and loves their delicious product and while it isn't good for you, it won't kill you either. And the announcer is Bojack Horseman , so you know that's pretty cool too. # Big snowstorm coming in tonight. And working on some interesting new software. That's about all for now. # The SuperBowl last night was an excellent sports game. I didn't like all the bullshit, but it was good sport. However it's all about gambling. I bet it's ruining a lot of lives. A way of sucking the last pennies from people who are already struggling. And it's so easy, just get an app for your phone, add your credit card, and give them

巍巍长城 雄浑壮阔(新时代画卷·多姿多彩 万里河山)

OneNews 巍巍长城 雄浑壮阔(新时代画卷·多姿多彩 万里河山) Feb 12, 2024 · 1 min read 雪后的北京居庸关长城。 新华社记者 陈晔华摄 北京八达岭长城。 内蒙古自治区清水河县明长城。 北京箭扣长城修缮保护现场。 马文晓摄 上图:山西雁门关长城。 下图:秋日的天津黄崖关长城,色彩斑斓。 王金一摄 河北金山岭长城。 习近平总书记强调:"长城凝聚了中华民族自强不息的奋斗精神和众志成城、坚韧不屈的爱国情怀,已经成为中华民族的代表性符号和中华文明的重要象征。要做好长城文化价值发掘和文物遗产传承保护工作,弘扬民族精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦凝聚起磅礴力量。" 近年来,随着长城国家文化公园建设不断推进,一批建设保护规划相继出台,一批标志性项目相继实施,长城的保护状况持续改善,综合效益有效发挥,成为人们触摸历史、感受民族精神、增强文化自信的重要历史文化资源。古老长城,生机勃勃,历久弥新。 春节假期,长城成为许多游客外出旅游的选择。北京八达岭长城保存完好、景色壮丽,河北金山岭长城一季一景、四季如画,天津黄崖关长城以雄、险、秀、古著称,山西雁门关长城地势险峻、历史悠久……本版精选一批以长城为主题的图片,展现雄浑壮阔、巍峨蜿蜒的长城景观,让人们领略和感受长城文化的独特魅力。 (本报记者 曹雪盟) (本版图片除署名外均为本报记者雷声摄) 《 人民日报 》( 2024年02月13日 04 版) Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

Weekly Vue News #132 - Unlocking the Power of v-for Loops

Weekly Vue News #132 Unlocking the Power of v-for Loops View online Hi 👋 This week, I have no personal news to share. I hope you enjoy the content I've curated for you. Have a nice week ☀️ Unlocking the Power of v-for Loops in Vue With These Useful Tips In this article, I will show you some valuable tips and tricks to get the most out of the v-for v-for directive. Vue 📕 SSR Safe Dynamic IDs in Vue 👉🏻 Dynamic IDs are useful for testing, but can get tricky with SSR. 👉🏻 Michael explains how to create a directive to do this easily, in both vanilla Vue and in Nuxt. 📕 Lazy Hydration and Server Components in Nuxt – Vue 3 Performance 👉🏻 Filip explains in this article: "Lazy Hydration is a powerful technique that could significantly reduce your Time to Interactive and First Input delay metric." 📕 Vue 3 Reactivity System Is Brilliant! Here's How It Works - Part 1 👉🏻 Ahmed explains Vue 3's reactivity system. Nuxt 📕 Introducing @nx/nuxt: Enhanced Nuxt.js Supp