Scripting News: Monday, February 12, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024 The best SuperBowl ad according to my stringent quality standards was Reese's Peanut Butter Cups , proving that comedy isn't hard, just have people reacting to stupid stuff in ridiculous self-destructive ways. Physical comedy for some reasons is ROTFL funny. They can do this because everyone knows and loves their delicious product and while it isn't good for you, it won't kill you either. And the announcer is Bojack Horseman , so you know that's pretty cool too. # Big snowstorm coming in tonight. And working on some interesting new software. That's about all for now. # The SuperBowl last night was an excellent sports game. I didn't like all the bullshit, but it was good sport. However it's all about gambling. I bet it's ruining a lot of lives. A way of sucking the last pennies from people who are already struggling. And it's so easy, just get an app for your phone, add your credit card, and give them...