Scripting News: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 I'm pretty sure federation in social media is the wrong bet. We have to think more broadly. What are the benefits we want from interop in social media. Federation isn't itself a benefit. It's an idea hatched by techies who aren't thinking about how people actually use these systems and which features are valued and which are problematic. Imho, what's valued is the ability to publish something quickly, and without much fuss, and follow others, again easily without having to have a deep understanding of how these things are architected. No one but us programming plumbers cares. I think the idea of conversation not only is overrated, but it's where all the problems are, where all the abuse happens. If we focus on the benefits, quick dissemination of news, and the power of the individual to choose their sources and share them with others -- that's where the juice is. Imho of course, ymmv, praise Murphy, I am not a law...