Scripting News: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Why are all the people who hate AI so pissy about it. # In the future I will be able to type a post into my blog and people who are following me will see it in their timeline. # Peeve: TV shows or movies that show text messages that are impossible to read even if you stop the video and zoom in. # An internet of ideas # I used to use Twitter for middle of the night ideas. These days I use one of Twitter's successors. # Here's one . "We should be able to tweet from within any application that has the ability to create and edit text, and not just in tiny little text boxes." And another . "The limits imposed by twitter initially in 2006 resulted in there being room for only very simple ideas. # Self-contained isolated silos make progress impossible. We need an internet of ideas. Why should we depend on one small vulnerable company to handle all our internet publishing? It's an old outdated idea...